TIP OF THE DAY: Uses For Tahini Beyond Hummus

If you like nutty flavors, you’ll like tahini (photo #1): a creamy, nutty paste made from ground sesame seeds. It’s familiar to every fan of hummus (photo #3). Most Americans buy tahini to make hummus or baba ghanoush. If you eat halvah, you’ve eaten tahini-based candy. Tahini is also the base of tarator sauce (the…
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PRODUCT OF THE WEEK: Kickin’ Kream Mustard

[1] Our new favorite mustard to slather on almost everything (photos #1 and #2 © Milo’s Whole World Gourmet). [2] Sweet, hot, creamy and delicious! [3] You can also use it as a dip (photo © Betty Crocker—here’s the recipe for the Honey Mustard Chicken).   Our new favorite mustard condiment is Kickin’ Kream Mustard…
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RECIPE: Cranberry Salsa For Thanksgiving & Christmas

Try this seasonal spin on salsa: Switch out the tomatoes and garlic for cranberries and apples. Low in calories and gluten free, you can keep it in the fridge for snacking or as a general condiment: mixed into yogurt for breakfast or lunch, as a creamy dip with the yogurt, as a salad dressing with…
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FOOD FUN: Watermelon Bloody Mary With Lots Of Garnishes & Fish Sauce

This Watermelon Bloody Mary is “the perfect balance of spicy and sweet,” says the National Watermelon Promotion Board, which developed the recipe. “Don’t let the fish sauce deter you—it gives this drink just the right kick.” If you don’t have fish sauce, a key condiment in Asian countries, substitute Worcestershire sauce*, which itself is a…
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