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The Do Good Dog: A Friendlier Hot Dog

The Fourth of July is the biggest hot dog-eating day of the year. According to the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, an estimated 150 million hot dogs are consumed on Independence Day—enough hot dogs to stretch across the country and back.

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, “peak hot dog season,” Americans will gobble up 7 billion hot dogs—beef, chicken, pork, turkey, organic, vegan, and now…regeneratively sourced, exemplified by Applegate Naturals’ The Do Good Dog Uncured Beef Hot Dog (photos #1 and #2).

While Applegate introduced the Do Good Dog in November 2021, the news just crossed our e-desk recently and introduced us to a new term: regeneratively sourced.

There’s more about regeneratively sourced agriculture below, but the gist of it is a positive impact on the land: better for the planet.

Beef for the Do Good Dog comes from SunFed Ranch, headquartered in Woodland, California approximately 15 miles northwest of Sacramento.

Their beef carries the Savory Institute’s Land to Market Seal (photo #3), certifying that it was raised on verified regenerative U.S. grasslands.

The environmentally friendlier dog is made with just four ingredients:

  • 100% grass-fed, non-GMO, antibiotic-free, hormone-free beef
  • Sea salt
  • Seasonings: cherry powder, cultured celery powder, dehydrated onion, granulated garlic, paprika, spices (black pepper, cayenne, coriander, ginger, mace), and vinegar
  • Water
    The result: a delicious, juicy bite with a flavor that’s sure to satisfy—whether boiled, broiled, grilled, or mixed into grandma’s secret baked beans and franks recipe.

    Regenerative beef comes from cattle raised and fed by rotational grazing. This allows the animals to graze on real grass, and their manure contributes more nutrients to the grasses and plants.

    This in turn results in more nutritious meat from the animals that graze there. It’s great for the environment.

    In fact, it’s better for the environment than beef from any other source (that includes vegan and other imitation meat). It:

  • Provides more nutrients to plants and grasses.
  • Grows new, healthy topsoil.
  • Reduces water runoff and fosters clean bodies of water.
  • Rebalances ecosystems and protects beneficial insects, including pollinators like bees.
  • Cuts down on pollutants like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
  • Fights climate change.

    Emerging research shows that regenerative practices, such as holistic managed grazing, have the potential to better the environment and mitigate climate change.

    According to the Savory Institute, the cattle that graze this way are part of a system that has the potential to contribute to the regeneration of up to 260,000 acres of U.S. grasslands. This makes it one of the largest verified systems for regeneratively sourced beef [source].

    Regeneratively-sourced beef is on the rise. Applegate’s commitment to supporting and selling it has helped SunFed Ranch to double its grass-fed cattle production.

    Another benefit to the environment and the animals: Diverting cattle out of the commodity feedlot system [source]

    If choosing food that regenerates the land sounds good to you, look for Do Good Dogs products online or in-store at select retailers near you (start with Whole Foods).
    > The different types of beef: a glossary.


    Applegate Do Good Dog Hot Dogs
    [1] Do Good Dogs do good for the land (photos #1 and #2 © Applegate Farms).

    Plate Of Applegate Do Good Dogs In Rolls
    [2] Ready to enjoy!

    Savory Institute Land To Market Seal
    [3] The seal of Verified Land To Market ensures you’re getting regeneratively sourced beef (photo © Savory Institute).

    Cow Eating Greens
    [4] Eating the good stuff (photos #4 and #5 © SunFed Ranch | Facebook .

    A Bull Grazing In The Meadow
    [5] He’s eating an ideal diet—no grain, no bull!





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    FOOD FUN: Potato Chip Salad Recipe & History Of Salt & Vinegar Chips

    Potato Chip Salad In A Serving Bowl
    [1] Wylie Dufresne’s potato chip salad (photo © Lanna Apisukh for The New York Times).

    Bag Of Kettle Brand Sea Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips
    [2] We used salt and vinegar potato chips from Kettle Brand (photo © Kettle Brand).


    Wylie Dufresne’s potato chip salad at Stretch Pizza in New York City may not seem so revolutionary.

    It’s a green salad topped with custom-made salt-and-vinegar chips. The chips act as both croutons and vinaigrette.

    “…nothing is as good or mind-bending” says The New York Times. The article continues:

    “This dish already has a cult following. Among the faithful, there was minor panic last month when Grub Street reported that Rick Bishop, the Sullivan County farmer who makes the chips, had retired.”

    If it sounds good to you, here’s how you can make one at home. Here’s our own version, somewhat different from the original.

    > The history of salt and vinegar potato chips is below.

    > The history of potato chips.

    > The history of potatoes.

    > National Potato Chip Day is March 14th.

    > National Vinegar Day is November 1st.


  • Shredded lettuce or frisée
  • Chopped scallions
  • Vinaigrette
  • Salt and vinegar potato chips (we used Kettle Brand)
  • Optional: small cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes, halved
  • Optional: minced dill or other herb(s)
  • Optional: lime zest in the vinaigrette

    1. MAKE the vinaigrette with optional lime zest.

    2. TOSS the lettuce, scallions, and optional dill with a modest amount of vinaigrette—to dampen, not to soak. Fold in the tomatoes.

    3. PLACE in a serving bowl and top with potato chips. Serve.


    Per The New York Times, salt and vinegar potato chips were created in 1968 at Griffith Foods, a subsidiary of an American Company located in Bristol, England. Griffith Foods specializes in food product development.

    The chips were invented by Jim Connell, a Canadian chemical engineer who worked for the Canadian subsidiary of the lab and was working on a venture at the U.K. facility.

    Shortly after his arrival, the company was approached by Imperial Tobacco, which wanted to expand its product line to include potato chips.

    The combination of vinegar and potato chips was a no-brainer. Malt vinegar is the condiment of choice for Britain’s fish and chips (chips are fries, known as crisps in the U.K.).

    Connell found a way to make a dry seasoning version of the vinegar, with which to flavor the chips.

    The tobacco company ultimately passed on the product. But a much smaller and older British company (possibly Smiths Potato Crisps) launched salt and vinegar potato chips to immediate success.




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    Palate Cleanser: A Way To Refresh Your Taste Buds Between Courses

    A palate cleanser is a serving of food or drink typically served between the fish and meat course at a formal dinner and at other food events, such as wine tastings.

    The palate, or roof of the mouth, works with the nose and tongue to determine what you taste.

    The purpose of the palate cleanser is to cleanse the mouth of the lingering flavors of the prior course, bite, or sip to enable the flavors of the next course to shine through. In essence, the palate cleanser “resets” the taste buds.

    A light palate cleanser also gives you a few moments to slow down the consumption of a progression of rich dishes.

    The concept originated in French fine dining, where a lemon sorbet was often served between the fish and the meat courses. A scoop of sorbet was presented in a footed glass dish or a Champagne sorbet glass (you can use another small wine glass—photo #1—or a juice glass).

    While we can’t find the precise origin of palate cleansing, it appears in 19th-century menus for sumptuous, multi-course French meals.

    Each region of France had its own specialty—usually a locally produced product such as a shot of Calvados (apple brandy), or a scoop of Calvados sorbet, in Normandy.

    Palate cleansers are also known as entremets*, Trou Normand (in Normandy [literally, “a Norman hole”]), Trou Bourguignon (in Burgundy [a Burgundian hole]), and remise en bouche.

    While intermezzo is Italian for palate cleanser, not all small dishes served between courses are palate cleansers. For example, an amuse-gueule (“it entertains [the] throat,” in French) or amuse-bouche (the same thing, with bouche being the word for mouth instead of gueule for throat) are creative nibble served before a meal to whet the appetite.

    These latter bites emerged as a mini course during the nouvelle cuisine movement, which emphasized smaller, more intensely flavored courses.

    They differ from hors d’oeuvres in that they are very small, usually just one or two bites, and offered free of charge.

    While sometimes the amuse-bouche could be a rather simple offering—such as a plate of olives or a ramekin of tapenade (remember the relish tray?), it often becomes a showcase of the artistry of the chef

    Per the famous chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten, “The amuse-bouche is the best way for a great chef to express his or her big ideas in small bites” [source].

    A tart sorbet or granita is the most popular palate cleanser. A combination of cold, crisp, and sharp flavors, lightly sweetened, helps to dispel strong flavors or grease from the food most recently ingested.

    Apple, citrus flavors, and mint sorbet are the clear winners here. You can add a garnish of fresh basil, mint, or tarragon

    You can also make a sorbet with alcohol, like the aforementioned Calvados. Our wine editor makes his with grappa or marc†.

    Also on the list:

  • Demitasse of vichyssoise, cucumber, or other chilled, moderately-flavored soup (photo #5)
  • Frozen grapes (photo #2)
  • Prosecco or cava (a small glass)
  • Sparkling water with a twist of citrus, or flat lemon water or cucumber water (photo #3)
  • Tea, a chilled demitasse, black, green, or mint
    Palate cleansers can be specific to beer tastings, cheese tastings, or wine tastings. Favored at these tastings are:

  • Apple slices (ideally tart, with optional sea salt flakes)
  • Bread, preferably a neutral flavor like baguette
  • Celery sticks, thinly sliced
    There are many other types of palate cleansers, from sucking on a lemon or lime wedge to eating water biscuits (unsalted crackers) to pickled ginger, as is served with sushi and sashimi.

    For a casual gathering, cubes of watermelon with or without a mint leaf are a good bet (photo #4).

    If you have nothing else on hand, offer a sprig of mint or parsley to chew on.

    Most people come to prefer a specific palate cleanser that best works for them at a particular type of tasting.

    *Historically, an entremet was a palate cleanser. Today the term is used in France to indicate an individual dessert; specifically, a cake with layers prepared separately using individual molds or rings, then assembled to form the final dessert. Here are some delicious examples.

    Marc, short for eau de vie de marc (its full name), also called pomace brandy, is distilled from what is left over after pressing the grapes used in wine production. The skins, pulp, seeds, and sometimes stems, are collectively called pomace. It can be aged briefly or for years. The result tastes like very strong whiskey. It is served as a digestif at the end of dinner, after the cheese and dessert. Some people have it with their espresso. You don’t pronounce the c at the end of the word. It is pronounced mahr, to rhyme with car. In Italian it is called grappa, bagaço in Portuguese, and orujo in Spanish.


    Sorbet In A Sherbet Champagne Glass
    [1] Citrus sorbet (here, rainbow sorbet) is enhanced with a splash of prosecco. Here’s the recipe (photo © Neighborhood Food Blog).

    Bowl Of Frozen Grapes
    [2] Serve frozen grapes in ramekins (photo © Fresh Direct | Facebook).

    Add Sliced Lemons To A Pitcher Or Glass of Water To Make Lemon Water
    [3] A glass of lemon water or cucumber water (or both) is an easy-to-make palate cleanser (photo © Julia Zolotova | Unsplash).

    Dessert Picks Of Watermelon Cubes
    [4] Watermelon cubes on picks are another easy option (photo © Piadina Restaurant | Hotel San Luis Obispo | California).

    Tray Of Lobster Bisque Demitasse Cups
    [5] A demitasse of chilled soup is a more elegant palate cleanser (photo © Hancock Gourmet Lobster).





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    Limited Edition Golden Selection Pineapple From Dole

    Dole Golden Selection Pineapple
    [1] The new Golden Selection pineapple (all photos © Dole).

    Dole Golden Selection Pineapple
    [2] Golden Selection is available at selected supermarkets in the U.S. and Canada.

    Pineapple Salad
    [3] Dole’s Gazpacho Salad recipe is one way to show off the flavor and color of Golden Selection pineapple.


    Dole Food Co. has introduced its limited-edition Golden Selection pineapple, a sweeter and juicier golden pineapple. It’s available at select supermarkets in the U.S. and Canada.

    The new variety has been cultivated not only to taste sweeter but to offer a more vibrant tropical flavor and aroma that “balances the pineapple’s customary sweet and tart sensations while elevating the indulgent taste experience.” Of course, we had to try it and received samples from Dole.

    The pineapples delivered as promised.

    Sustainably farmed, extra sweet, with flesh as gold as the sun, Dole developed this more golden-hued and aromatic pineapple in response to consumer demand for a sweeter pineapple-eating experience.

    While all Dole pineapples are tender, sweet, and packed with nutrients (healthy enzymes, and Vitamins B6 and C, for starters), the new Golden Selection Pineapples taste just a little sweeter and brighter. You’ll notice the difference.

    They also deliver exceptional juiciness and vibrant tropical personality.

    Fewer than 6% of all pineapples possess the taste and appearance qualifications necessary to be tagged a Golden Selection pineapple.

    While most of us think of Hawaii as the domain of Dole pineapples, the Golden Selection pineapples are grown in Costa Rica, where the soil and climate help to produce a softer and deeper golden-hued shell and richer golden flesh

    The new variety will be available in limited quantities based on seasonality. Look for them, and let these pineapples transport you to paradise.
    > Head to the Dole Golden Selection web page for more information.

    > June 27th is International Pineapple Day.

    > The history of pineapples.

    These recipes can be made with any pineapple, but have been selected for their particular affinity for sweeter pineapples.

  • Cool Summer Gazpacho Salad (photo #3)
  • Ginger-Chili Ahi Tuna Poke Skewers
  • Magic Carpet Lemon Curd Cups
  • Pineapple Carpaccio

    You can serve this salad on romaine or Bibb lettuce leaves as an appetizer or salad course, or with a scoop of lemon sorbet for dessert.

    We adapted it from a recipe by Ruth Reichl who adapted it from a recipe by Zarela Martinez who adapted it from…well, it’s a classic Mexican salad.

    Depending on how much or little you like jalapeños, you can dice them into the salad or garnish the top with circles.

    To serve the salad as dessert, use only the first five ingredients plus a pint of lemon sorbet. A bit of lime zest grated atop the sorbet adds to the color and the flavor.

    Aim to add both red and green colors. If you can only find green jalapeños, for example, use red bell peppers.
    Ingredients For 4-6 Servings

  • 1 large ripe pineapple, peeled and cored
  • 1 small red onion, small dice
  • 1-2 red jalapeños, de-seeded and de-veined, small dice
  • 1 large red or green bell pepper
  • Lime zest plus 2-1/2 tablespoons lime juice (about 1 large lime)
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro leaves
  • Whole romaine or Bibb lettuce leaves

    1. CUT the peeled and cored pineapple lengthwise into quarters; then cut each quarter crosswise into 1/4-inch slices. (Note: We don’t have a pineapple corer so we cut the entire peeled pineapple in quarters, then sliced away the core.)

    2. CUT the onion into small dice. De-seed and devein the jalapeños and cut into small dice.

    3. TOSS the pineapple, onion, and jalapeños together in a serving bowl.

    4. WHISK together the lime juice and zest, olive oil, and salt. Taste and adjust seasoning if desired.

    5. POUR the dressing over the pineapple mixture and toss to combine well.

    6. ADD the lettuce leaves to individual plates and serve the salad with a garnish of cilantro. For dessert:

    7. SPOON into individual dessert dishes and top with a scoop of lemon sorbet with an optional grating of lemon zest on top.


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    Karkade, An Egyptian Iced Tea Recipe For National Iced Tea Month

    As with the U.S., different types of tea are enjoyed in Egypt, hot and iced. One of the popular herbal teas is karkadè (KAR-kah-day, with a rolled “r”), brewed from dried hibiscus leaves.

    The flavor of hibiscus is floral, tart and fruity, reminiscent of cranberry juice.

    Sugar and honey are added for a sweet and tart treat, but you can use a different sweetener or none at all.

    > The history of tea.

    > The history of iced tea.

    > The history of tea bags.

    > The different types of tea: a glossary.

    You can enjoy the tea hot, although we think that hibiscus tea shows best when iced.

    You can replace the orange flower water with rose water or any floral water (check out the different floral waters).
    Ingredients For 4 Servings

  • 1 cup hibiscus flowers
  • 4 cups boiling water
  • 1/2 cup sugar, or to taste
  • 4 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons orange flower water
  • Crushed ice

    1. STEEP the hibiscus flowers and the water in a pitcher for 40 minutes—but no longer than 1 hour to avoid bitterness.

    2. STRAIN the tea into another pitcher or vessel. Press the flowers to release the excess liquid.

    4. ADD the other ingredients—sugar, honey, and orange flower water—and stir to combine thoroughly.

    5. DRINK hot or place in the refrigerator to cool.




    Glasses Of Hibiscus Iced Tea
    [1] Hibiscus iced tea (photo © Rania Alhamed | Pexels).

    Hibiscus Flowers On The Bush
    [2] Hibiscus Flowers on the bush (photo © Kelly Sikkema | Unsplash).

    Dried Hibiscus Flowers
    [3] More often in the U.S., hibiscus tea is brewed from tea bags or loose hibiscus flowers (photo © The Spice House).



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