TIP OF THE DAY: Uses For Dried Figs, For National Fig Week

The first week in November is National Fig Week. We were sanguine about the opportunity to buy dried figs, for snacking and recipes. But taking an informal survey among friends and family over the last couple of weeks, we found that none of them buys dried figs. They’ll eat them when they find them on…
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FOOD FUN: New Pinkglow Pineapple From Fresh Del Monte

[1] It’s a pineapple—and it’s pink! (all photos © Fresh Del Monte). [2] Put Pinkglow on your list of Valentine’s Day gifts. [3] We sliced our pineapple and ate it sparingly over a few days, to make the experience last. We were sad when it was gone. [4] Drink pink! [5] The shipped pineapple comes…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Know Your Balsamic Vinegar (It’s Balsamic Vinegar Of Modena Day)

[1] Two types of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena you should know: regular and invecchiato, which is aged in barrels for three years or more (all photos © Balsamic Vinegar Of Modena). [2] There are several uses for balsamic below, but one you might not have thought of is on ice cream! [3] The EU’s Protected…
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RECIPE: Make Fried Clams For National Deep Fried Clams Day

November 1st is National Fried Clams Day. Fried clams is a dish that we always eat at restaurants, because cleaning, shucking and deep fat frying is a lot of work. It’s especially more so because a recipe like the following yields just 12 fried clams. That’s enough for one hearty eater. But if you’re game,…
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RECIPE: Candy Corn Ice Cream For National Candy Corn Day

Diana Hardeman, founder of Milk Made, is one of the great artisan ice cream makers of New York and beyond. Known for her creative ice cream flavors, it’s no surprise that she made Candy Corn Ice Cream. She has allowed us to share the recipe with you today, October 30th, National Candy Corn Day. For…
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