TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Superseedz Organic Flavored Pumpkin Seeds & More Good-For -You

1. SUPERSEEDZ ORGANIC, SHELL-LESS PUMPKIN SEEDS We have long been a fan of Superseedz, the best pumpkin seeds we’ve ever had. Now, the line has added organic varieties (photo #1). Editor’s Note: Those seeds growing inside a thick-skinned squash are safe from surface pesticides, but consumers want what consumers want: the word “organic” on the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Sustainable Eating Helps All Of Us

[1] Black bean burger: Add your favorite condiments garnishes and you’ll love it (here’s the recipe Urban Accents). [2] “Trash fish” look and taste just as good as the big-name fish—for as fraction of the price (photo courtesy Chef Barton Seaver, author of this sustainable fish cookbook). [3] Hello, Malaysian palm oil; buh-bye, canola oil…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: ButcherBox Grass-Fed Beef

[1] A monthly (or one-time) box arrives, frozen and portion-wrapped. [2] The Steak and Chops Box. The boxes differ somewhat each month depending on what’s best. [3] You have to cook your own meat, but the result is worth it (all photos courtesy ButcherBox).   What do you give loved ones who want to switch…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Dave’s Killer Bread

Milwaukie, Oregon, founded in 1847 on the banks of the Willamette River and now a suburb of Portland, is also known as the the birthplace of the Bing cherry. But soon, it may be known as the birthplace of Dave’s Killer Bread. Dave’s Killer Bread is “the best bread in the universe,” according to the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Unconventional Valentine Treats

You don’t have to give chocolate or cupcakes on Valentine’s Day. In fact, some people may prefer a less conventional gift. Think outside the [chocolate] box. As a smaller gift to bring to pals at the office, we particularly like red berry jam. You can go for a pricey artisan brand, or look for an…
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