PRODUCT: Quinoa & Whole Grain Brown Rice

Absolutely delish: a mix of quinoa and brownrice, deftly seasoned. Photo courtesy SeedsOf Change.   The Uyuni Salt Flats of southeast Bolivia, high in the Andes Mountains, are best known for salt production. But quinoa has been cultivated there by the Incas for some 5,000 years. Quinoa, pronounced KEEN-wa or KEE-noo-ah, is an exceptionally nutritious…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Lemon Zest

If you’re zesting lemons, limes, oranges or other citrus for a recipe, buy organic fruit if you can. Conventional citrus crops are heavily sprayed with pesticides, and a simple rinse won’t dislodge all of it from the nooks and crannies of the rind. The zest is the outermost part of the rind of citrus fruits…
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PRODUCT: Amy’s Organic Chocolate Loaf Cake

Hankering for a piece of chocolate cake? Keep one of Amy’s new Organic Chocolate Cakes in the freezer—regular or gluten-free—and slice a piece whenever the mood strikes. For a vegan product—no butter or eggs—the cakes are rich and moist, and a good quick fix. The gluten-free version disappeared from our freezer as quickly as the…
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Healthy Bagels: How To Enjoy A Healthier Bagel

Pass the bagels! Check out the whole grain, organic bagels from French Meadow Bakery, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. They deliver two servings of whole grains per bagel, are only 260 calories (regular bagels can be twice that and more)…and are delicious. This is the Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bagel, with a garnish of…
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PRODUCT: Rishi Organic & Fair Trade Masala Chai

Just mix the concentrate with milk and you’ll be transported to India (photo by Katherine Pollak | THE NIBBLE).   Chai lovers: You can now enjoy this spiced exotic treat in your own home. Rishi, sellers of organic tea, have launched an organic and Fair Trade Masala Chai tea concentrate. Masala chai is made by…
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