Cooking Tip: What To Do With Celery Seeds

Do you have a package of celery seeds languishing in your pantry? Here’s what you can do with them. First…     WHAT ARE CELERY SEEDS? Celery seeds are tiny brown seeds (photo #1) that are harvested from the flowers of the wild celery plant (photo #2)—a different variety from the celery we eat. They…
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What’s A Ragù? It’s World Bolognese Ragù Day!

[1] The real deal: tagliatelle pasta with ragù alla Bolognese. Here’s the recipe (photos #1, #2, and #3 © Tina’s Table). [2] Tagliatelle are a traditional pasta from the Emilia-Romagna and Marche regions of northern Italy. They are long, flat ribbons that are wider than fettuccine but narrower than pappardelle (about 6 mm wide). [3]…
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Calvados, The Finest Apple Brandy From France

From the orchards of Normandy, France comes Calvados, at its simplest an apple brandy. But it is the best apple brandy (or more precisely eau-de-vie*) in the world. Once fer­men­ted, apple juice becomes cider, and, once dis­tilled, the cider becomes a cider eau-de-vie. The cider that begins thew process is pressed from specially grown cider…
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Sfoglini Pasta, Premium Artisan Pasta From The Hudson Valley

  With National Pasta Day on October 17th, our Top Pick Of The Week is Sfoglini Pasta, a brand of fine artisan pasta that’s Italian in heritage but all-American, made in the Hudson Valley of New York State with the finest organic golden semolina* and three specialty grains from North American farms: einkorn, hemp, and…
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Food Fun: A Chocolate Milkshake Recipe For Halloween

[1] A fun milkshake for Halloween (photo © Half & Half Magazine). [2] Use your favorite vanilla ice cream (photo © Talenti Gelato). [3] Add your favorite chocolate milk (photo © Fairlife). [4] If you haven’t had stroopwafels, thin Dutch cookies with a caramel filling, here’s more about them (photo © 3 Bros Cookies).  …
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