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TIP OF THE DAY: Beaujolais Wine Pairings For Summer & Year-Round

For red wine lovers, Beaujolais, a wine-producing province in eastern France, produces mostly red wines from the Gamay grape.

White and rosé wines are produced in small quantities. Here, we’ll focus on the reds.

The province of Beaujolais lies in eastern France, from the northern part of the Rhône Valley to the southern part Burgundy.

The granite soils lend structure and depth to the wines, which are light- to medium-bodied, supple and fruity, and lower in alcohol than most red wines.

Almost all the wine produced in the region is red wine, from the Gamay Noir grape.

It is relatively inexpensive, compared to other French reds—especially from next-door-neighbors Burgundy and Rhône.

Beaujolais wines can pair with a broad variety of foods. We’ve provided popular pairings below.

We’ve provided an overview here. Discover more at, The official website for Beaujolais wines.

Planning a trip? Head to

There are three categories of Beaujolais wines: generic Beaujolais, which can be made from grapes grown anywhere in the province; Beaujolais-Villages, which must be made with grapes from the greater village area; and Beaujolais Cru, the top wines which have AOC† designation.

There is also Beaujolais Nouveau, a unique category (see below).

Except for the Cru wines, Beaujolais wines are meant to be drunk young. Don’t lay them down: They don’t get better with age (in fact, they decline if kept too long).

  • Beaujolais Nouveau is a unique category of very light, simple wines that are released shortly after harvest. They are not aged. The category was created in the 1970s by Georges DuBoeuf, one of the largest wine merchants in France, to generate cash up front while the “real” Beaujolais wines aged in barrels until March or later. It is so light that it should be a summer sipper, although it isn’t released until November—and should be consumed immediately after release. Here’s more about it.
  • Beaujolais Supérieur is harvested at riper levels and decreased vineyard yields, enabling more concentration of flavor. The grapes can come from anywhere in the province.
  • Beaujolais-Villages There are 38 communes (incorporated municipalities) that produce it; some include their village name on the labels, but most are simply designated Beaujolais-Villages. They should be consumed within two years of production.
  • Cru Beaujolais wines are the highest quality, AOC† wines. There are 10 cru* wines with AOC designation, each referring to a winemaking region: Brouilly, Chénas, Chiroubles, Côte de Brouilly, Fleurie, Juliénas, Morgon, Moulin-à-Vent, Régnié, and Saint-Amour. The style ranges from lighter-bodied wines meant to drink young, to fuller-bodied wines that can be aged three to five years or longer.
  • In addition to the 10 crus, there are two “Appellation” wines that are good enough to have earned Cru status but without AOC designation. Their grapes are grown in different parts of the appellation than their associated Cru wine; they are referred to as Appellation wines (superior to Villages wines but subordinate to AOC). These are Chiroubles and Côte de Brouilly.

    Beaujolais is a wine that is enjoyed with any course of the meal, or by itself when you want a glass of red.

    They go well with French classics—pâtés, terrines, rillettes, saucisson sec—and with the cheese course, from white-rinded cheeses such as Brie and Camembert to more flavorful and pungent cheeses.

    You can drink Beaujolais with American favorites, from barbecue, burgers, chili and pizza to pairings you might not have considered, like sushi.

    And as a rule of thumb, you can serve anything off the grill with Beaujolais.

    While many wines are too acidic or tannic to pair with salad, Beaujolais is one that does, be it green salad or vegetable salad, or grain salad.

    While Beaujolais wines from the different communes can be served interchangeably, here are examples to pair with the Cru wines.

    AOC Beaujolais is wine from the village of Beaujolais, within the province of Beaujolais. The wines are intense, fruity, easy-drinking and refreshing. Try them with anything from a cold meat platter to Arctic char, salmon and sushi. There is also a white Beaujolais that is excellent with salmon and seafood.

    AOC Beaujolais-Villages
    AOC Beaujolais-Village is the next step up the quality ladder from appellation Beaujolais-Villages. The grapes are grown in higher quality sub-zones within Beaujolais. The wines are intensely fruity and scented; some have good cellaring potential. Try them with roast chicken or other chicken dish, say, chicken cooked in sauce with a potato gratin and grilled fish, such as Arctic char.

    AOC Côte-de-Brouilly is a fruity, sophisticated wine that is generally drunk between 2 and 5 years old, but it can be aged for 10 years or more. They wines are more robust red wines than the Brouilly villages wines, because the grapes are grown different soils. Locals drink it famous poultry liver terrine (try chicken, duck or goose liver). It also works with white fish, stews and a classic roast chicken, plus grilled lamb chops with rosemary.

    Appellation Brouilly produces wines with a deep ruby aroma and a palate that is fruitier than it is floral (think red berries and plums, with occasional mineral notes). The commune has four different types of soil, leading to different characteristics based on producer. Some consider Brouilly wines to be the most complex Beaujolais, yet it welcomes a cheeseburger or turkey burger.

    AOC Chénas grows on n the slopes above Moulin-à-Vent. The wines are soft on the palate, well-structured and a perfect pairing with blanquette of veal or poultry, and wild mushroom salad. They also go well with strong cheeses. Drink them with beef tartare or chili con carne, too.

    AOC Chiroubles is a very aromatic cru; a lively, rounded and delicate wine. Lightly tannic, it’s a very pleasant wine to drink casually with friends, serve with cold meats or light starters. In France, it’s popular with verrines and grilled fish too. Because of the low tannins, it also works with sushi and seared ahi tuna.

    Chiroubles a delicate wines that can be drunk right away, or aged for several years. The bouquet continues to evolve. Enjoy it with charcuterie and barbecue.

    AOC Fleurie is an elegant, delicate and floral wine; it is called the “feminine wine” of Beaujolais. They have a certain softness compared to other Beaujolais appellations: low acidity, gentle tannins. You can serve it with vegetable dishes, fish crudo, frog’s legs, salads and more substantive dishes, like grilled meat—especially lamb, from leg of lamb to grilled lamb chops with rosemary.

    AOC Juliénas, named after Julius Caesar, has grapes grown on sunny slopes. The juicy red wine pairs well with grilled red meat as well as seared ahi tuna.

    AOC Morgon is described by some as “the fruitiness of a Beaujolais and the charm of a Burgundy.” It robust and tannic, but not overly so. Try it with lasagne other hearty pasta, or pizza. It’s also great slightly chilled with a beef carpaccio or beef tartare, and grilled steak with garlic butter.

    AOC Moulin-à-Vent is one of the most prized crus, robust and complex with mature fruit, spice and floral aromas. It should be aged for 6 or 7 years to develop its full flavors for 6 or 7 years. Then, serve it with roast turkey and chestnut stuffing, pork, filet mignon, lamb and pork. Another popular dish is grilled steaks with garlic butter.

    AOC Régnié wines produce a unique fruitiness with fine tannins and a good finish. It’s best drunk young but, can be aged for up to 5 years. Popular pairings in the region are duck, leg of rabbit and red mullet. Serve it as an apéritif, at picnics, or with tapas.

    AOC Saint-Amour is celebrated as the wine of love (amour), and nearly a quarter of the production is drunk on February 14th (get some in advance before it sells out). Two different types of wine are produced in Régnié: a shorter maceration period for light, aromatic wines to be drunk shortly after the harvest (Beaujolais Nouveau) and a longer maceration wine with the structure and tannin to age for 4 to 5 years. Try it too with autumn and winter dishes, including risotto and pumpkin recipes. Also, spinach salad with bacon and pecans and barbecue.


    [1] Have Beaujolais with your burger (all photos courtesy Beaujolais | Facebook).

    [2] Beaujolais pairs well with pizza and pasta.

    [3] Vegetable dishes and French specialties like quiche are naturals with Beaujolais.

    [4] Beaujolais is a winner with grilled meats, roasts and similar preparations.

    [5] Beaujolais also pairs with seafood, from grilled fish to paella.

    [6] A classic: roast chicken and Beaujolais.

    [7] You might be tempted to reach for a white wine, but Beaujolais is delicious with this beet and citrus salad.

    [8] Nothing says love like a dessert of brownies and Saint-Amour Beaujolais.

    [9] The Beaujolais region in France (image courtesy Vinexpo-Explorer).


    *Cru designates a vineyard or group of vineyards.

    †AOC is an abbreviation for appellation d’origine contrôlée, a certification granted to certain French geographical indications for superior wines, cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products. The designation guarantees, among other things, that the product originates from a specific region of France and has been produced in a traditional way. It is based on the concept of terroir and is a form of geographic protectionism. Terroir, pronounced tur-WAH, is a French agricultural term referring to the unique set of environmental factors in a specific habitat that affect a crop’s qualities. It includes climate, elevation, proximity to a body of water, slant of the land, soil type and amount of sun. These environmental characteristics gives the wine (or other product) its character.


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    TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Churn Baby Ice Cream Cups

    [1] A cup of Choco Chip Cookie Dough. The sweet cream ice cream has pieces of cookie dough and a cookie dough swirl. It’s topped with a chocolate chip cookie and a fudge drizzle (all photos © Churn Baby | Casper’s Ice Cream).

    [2] A cup of heaven: chocolate ice cream with a peanut butter ribbon and brownie bites, topped with a double fudge cookie and peanut butter drizzle.

    [3] What’s under the lid? Seven ounces of chocolate and peanut butter.

    [4] Mint Chocolate Chip Churn Baby. A package contains two seven-ounce cups.


    Ice cream is our favorite food, so we never turn down an invitation to try a new brand, flavor or format.

    Our recent discovery of Churn Baby ice cream cups was, what the company calls, “a delicious churn of events.”

    What the company calls “boutique-style cookie cups,” we call “gourmet.” We’d also call it a sundae-in-a-cup, topped with the ice cream swirled with a ribbon swirl (e.g. chocolate or peanut butter).

    The crowning ingredient is a cookie and dessert sauce atop the ice cream, replacing the whipped cream and a cherry of a sundae (photo #2).

    We couldn’t resist, and gobbled up a week’s daily supply in two days. And went to the website to order more.

    The brand, made in Richmond, Utah, is currently distributed in the western U.S., but is available to everyone online. (Retailers in the East: Order it now!)

    They’re sold in packages of two cookie cups, each seven ounces of pure delight.

    We ate all of ours at home, but there’s a plastic spoon inside the lid for grab-and-go.

    Flavors include (and by coincidence, they happen to be our personal favorite flavors):

  • Choco Chip Cookie Dough: Chocolate Chip Cookie with Fudge Drizzle, Sweet Cream Ice Cream, Cookie Dough Swirl, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
  • Choco Chip Vanilla Fudge Brownie: Chocolate Chip Cookie with Fudge Drizzle, Vanilla Ice Cream, Brownie Bites, Chocolate Flakes, Fudge Ribbon.
  • Cool Mint Chocolate Chip: Double Fudge Cookie with Fudge Drizzle, Mint Ice Cream, Chocolate Flakes, Fudge Ribbon.
  • Peanut Butta Brownie Luvva: Double Fudge Cookie with Peanut Butter Drizzle, Chocolate Ice Cream, Peanut Butter Ribbon, Brownie Bites.
  • Vanilla Fudge Brownie: Chocolate Chip Cookie with Fudge Drizzle, Vanilla Ice Cream, Brownie Bites, Chocolate Flakes, Fudge Ribbon
    There are also two ice cream cookie sandwiches: Caramel Cashew and Caramel Cookies N’ Cream.

    The quality of the ice cream is so fine, that if we could buy it in pints we’d prefer it to any national brand.

    Similarly, the chocolate flakes and drizzles were so good that we knew they were from a top-knotch producer. It turned out to be Guittard Chocolate.

    Churn Baby is a class act, an ice cream treat for those who want the best.

    Discover more at
    Ice cream cup trivia: The first ice cream cups were introduced in 1923, following the development of the patented Dixie Cup with a lid.

    The manufacturer permitted only producers of the highest quality ice cream to license their cups and use the Dixie Cup brand name. Here’s more about it.
    > The History Of Ice Cream

    The Casper Ice Cream Company of Richmond, Utah, producer of Churn Baby, began in 1925. The first product was Casper Merrill’s Ice Cream Nut Sundae on a Stick, known today as a FatBoy Nut Sundae.

    Casper used milk and cream from the family’s herd, and the ice cream debuted to acclaim and demand.

    Three generations later, his grandsons manage the company.

    Today, Casper’s brands include Churn Baby, FatBoy and Jolly Llama (sorbet cones and gluten-free ice cream cones and sandwiches) [source].



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    NEWS: New Coca-Cola With Coffee, Coming In January 2021

    News for people who love both coffee and cola:

    Coca-Cola, the world’s most popular soft drink has another innovation coming soon: Coca-Cola with Coffee.

    But you’ll have to wait for it.

    Coca-Cola with Coffee is currently only available to members of the Coca-Cola Insiders Club*. That’s how we got ours.

    If you’re not a member, head to to sign up, to be the first to know when the beverage will be available for purchase nationwide, in January 2021.

    Infused with rich, luxurious coffee flavor, Coca-Cola with Coffee features 69 mg of caffeine per 12-ounce can. It will be available in three flavors:

  • Caramel
  • Dark Blend
  • Vanilla
  • Coca-Cola with Coffee Dark Blend and Coca-Cola with Coffee Vanilla will be available in 12-ounce singles or 12-ounce 4-packs.
  • Coca-Cola with Coffee Caramel will be available in single cans only (no 4-pack).
    A 12-ounce can has 70 calories and 69 mg of caffeine (a 12-ounce cup of drip coffee has 240 mg of caffeine).

    We tried the Dark Blend and found it to be as refreshing as conventional Coca-Cola, with delightful notes of coffee on the finish.

    We really liked the combination; and would have liked even more coffee flavor.

    We hope that Coca-Cola With Coffee takes off big-time. Maybe then, a Diet Coke version will be made?


    In January 2021, Coca-Cola lovers will be able to have some coffee in their coke (photo © Coca-Cola Company).


    *Unfortunately for those of us who loved it, the Club was discontinued recently. But here are examples of the potential new products that members.


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    RECIPE: Golden Piña Colada

    National Piña Colada Day is July 10th, celebrating one of our personal favorite cocktails.

    It may be a few weeks past that date, but this delicious recipe has arrived, just in time for a weekend indulgence.

    You can see from the photo that this isn’t your ordinary Piña Colada.

    Preparing the coconut cream and pineapple into two different layers gives it more eye appeal than any Piña Colada we’ve ever seen.

    The recipe was developed by Shanna of Pineapple & Coconut, and shared with us by Kōloa Rum, a dazzling line of artisan rums from Hawaii (here’s our review).

    Koloa rums are made in small batches, with pure sugar cane instead of the cheaper molasses used by most rums. It’s a great gift for a rum connoisseur.

    Next step: Pick up the ingredients, and get ready to kick back this weekend with a glassful of rum yum.

    Instead of cutting and freezing fresh fruit, buy frozen fruit, already cut. It saves time and money.

    In a perfect world you’d have Hurricane glasses for your Piña Colada (photo #1), but any large glass (ideally 20 ounces) will do.

    Select the garnishes that call out to you. One garnish is fine, as are two. Go overboard by combining them all.

    Trivia: Piña Colada means strained (colada) pineapple (piña).

    Ingredients For 2 Drinks

    For The Golden Purée Layer

  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1.5 ounces Kōloa Kauai Gold Rum
  • 1 ounce pineapple juice
    For The Coconut Purée Layer

  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup cream of coconut (sweetened, such as the Coco Lopez brand)
  • 1.5 ounces Kōloa Kauai Coconut Rum
  • 2 teaspoons lime juice
  • 2 teaspoons pineapple juice
  • 2-3 cups ice
  • Garnishes: allspice, freshly shredded coconut, pineapple leaves, pineapple wedge, whipped cream

    1. COMBINE the pineapple, mango, rum and pineapple juice in a blender. Blend until smooth but still very thick and frozen.

    2. POUR into a large jar or other container and keep in the freezer until you’re ready to assemble the drink. Then…

    3. RINSE the blender then make the coconut layer. Combine all the coconut layer ingredients in the blender and purée until smooth but still thick and frozen. Add more ice if needed.

    4. ADD the golden purée to the glass and tilt as shown in photo #1. Then top with the coconut purée. Leave it as is for a layered look; stir it slightly for a swirled look.

    5. GARNISH as desired. Shanna recommends whipped cream sprinkled with a little ground allspice and some freshly shredded coconut. We used a bit of whipped cream as a base for Dang Toasted Coconut Chips.
    > Piña Colada History


    [1] A Piña Colada, garnished with whipped cream, allspice and two pineapple leaves (all photos © Pineapple & Coconut).

    [2] Tilt the glass to add the mango layer.

    [3] Koloa Coconut Rum with an Island Dreamsicle cocktail. Here’s the recipe from Coconut And Pineapple.



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    RECIPE: Mint Chocolate Cheesecake

    Chocolate Mint MinI Cheesecakes
    [1] Individual chocolate mint cheesecakes (photo © Jennie-O).

    Homemade Andes Mints
    [2] Ashlee Marie made her own version of Andes Mints. Here’s her recipe (photo © Ashlee Marie).

    Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers
    [3] Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers (photo © Nabisco).


    July 30th is National Cheesecake Day. How about something cool and minty for a hot summer day?

    In these mini cheesecakes, chocolate wafers, chocolate chips and mint candy wafers combine for a rich, minty, chocolaty treat.

    Prep time for is 20 minutes, bake time is 20 minutes plus cooling in the fridge.

    The number of portions will depend on the size of your dishes. It will make 24 small ramekins.


  • 1/2 cup crushed chocolate wafer cookies
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • 1 package (8-ounce) cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg or ¼ cup egg substitute
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips, melted
  • 1/3 cup chopped crème de menthe mint candy wafers (e.g. After Eight Chocolate Thins, Andes Chocolate Mints)
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream or mascarpone

    1. PREHEAT the oven to 325°F. In small bowl, combine the crushed cookie crumbs and melted butter. Press the cookie crumb mixture into bottom of individual small tart dishes, custard cups or ramekins.

    2. BEAT the cream cheese and sugar in a mixing bowl, until blended. Add the egg. Blend in the melted chocolate, chopped candy, sour cream and vanilla. Pour evenly over crumbs. Bake for 20 minutes.

    3. COOL and refrigerate until serving. Garnish with a dollop of sweetened whipped cream.
    > The History Of Cheesecake



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