TIP OF THE DAY: Conserving Cheese Calories

Cheese is delicious, cheese is addictive. Cheese is also fattening. One way to stretch those cheese calories is to serve cheese cubes on skewers instead of a slice-all-you-want cheese board. Alternate the cheese cubes with grape tomatoes, broccoli florets, bell pepper strips and other favorite crudités. Or go the fruit route with berries, kiwi and…
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PRODUCT: Boar’s Head EverRoast Oven Roasted Chicken Breast

Boar’s Head EverRoast Oven Roasted Chicken Breast deli meat won the taste test. While heading back to the snow-covered midwest for the holidays, one of our NIBBLE staff members was looking forward to celebrating Christmas Eve with her family—all 61 of them. The family’s tradition is to serve a quick-and-easy meat and cheese deli tray…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Serve A Juice Course

Years ago, many people would begin lunch or dinner with a first course of tomato juice. You could find it on the menus of the finest restaurants. A vegetable cocktail is a low-calorie, nutritious and filling addition to any meal. Think presentation and turn that glass of juice into a glamorous mini-course. All you need…
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Recipes For Elvis Presley’s Birthday

A combination of two Elvis Presley favorites: cheeseburgers and bacon. Yes, you can spread some peanut butter on the bun. Because he loved bananas, have some plantain chips on the side (photo © Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board).   Today would have been Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday. Elvis loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Have one…
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PRODUCT: Amy’s Organic Soups

Just in time for the cold spell come three hearty soups from Amy’s Organic. If you don’t know this brand, try it and become one of the many fans. The products are organic, tasty and better for you than most supermarket brands. Amy’s aims to appeal to vegetarians and vegans as well as the general…
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