TIP OF THE DAY: Ancient Grains Are New Again

September is National Whole Grains Month, an occasion to revisit some oldies but goodies. Thanks to King Arthur Baking (formerly King Arthur Flour) for this primer on eight* ancient grains. “Ancient grains” is a marketing term used to describe a category of grains and pseudocereals, that are purported to have been minimally changed by selective…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Lifeway’s Probiotic Farmer Cheese & All About Farmer Cheese

Today’s tip: Get to know farmer cheese. We grew up on it: Our grandparents loved it, our mother loved it and we’re in love with its milky freshness, too. For eating at breakfast, for crostini, for a cooking cheese, it’s a tangier option to ricotta: Middle Europe versus Italy. This tip is all about farmer…
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RECIPE: Savory Cheesecake As A First Course

We love cheesecake. Ninety-nine percent of the time it’s a sweet cheesecake, but every once in a while we come across—or decide to bake—a savory cheesecake. There’s no sugar. Using a base of cream cheese—just like dessert cheesecake—it’s an unsweetened cheesecake that combines savory ingredients: herbs, vegetables, seafood and/or other cheeses. Savory cheesecakes are always…
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RECIPES: Summer Cocktails ~ Blueberry Lime & Cucumber Mint

We use weekends to try new cocktail recipes. Restaurateur and chef Art Smith made these summery cocktails on a recent episode of his show, “Healthy Comfort,” an IGTV Show. We give them both a thumbs-up. Should you happen to have blueberry vodka or cucumber vodka, certainly substitute them for the plain vodka in the recipes.en…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Easy Homemade Strawberry Jam & Blueberry Preserves

For those who like the idea of homemade jam but have never wanted to undertake the labor to make it: This tip’s for you! These fresh quick jam recipes—Strawberry Jam and Blueberry Preserves—came to us from Anson Mills, purveyor of organic heirloom grains: the finest grains, flours, grits, rices beans and peas we’ve ever had…
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