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TIP OF THE DAY: Creamsicle Variations For National Creamsicle Day

August 14th is National Creamsicle Day. Creamsicle is a flavor combination that people either love or not. We love it, and have even created our own variation, The Nibblesicle, with raspberry sorbet instead of orange.

The Creamsicle was created by the Popsicle Corporation, established during the Depression by Frank Epperson, who had invented the Popsicle®. The vanilla ice cream pop, coated with orange sherbet, became a sensation.

Today Creamsicle® and Popsicle® are registered trademarks of the Unilever Corporation. Here’s more Creamsicle history.

On each National Creamsicle Day we try a different variation of the vanilla and orange combination.

This year, it’s shortcake. Links to previous years’ recipes are below.

This year’s recipe was inspired by a shortcake photo (photo #1) from Cindy’s Rooftop in Chicago. The restaurant calls it Dreamsicle Cake.

You can bake individual angel food cakes in muffin tins, as shown in the photo, or bake or buy a cake and serve conventional slices.

Cindy’s Rooftop uses a white chocolate sauce. We made crème anglaise (recipe below), a thin custard sauce. Raspberry purée would have pleased our palate, but it doesn’t fit with the vanilla-orange profile.



  • Angel food cake
  • Orange sorbet (sherbet)
  • Sauce of choice
  • Garnish: supremed orange segments (no membrane)
  • Optional garnish: orange peel curls
    For The Creme Anglaise (Makes 1 Cup)

  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup whipping cream
  • 1 2-inch piece vanilla bean, split
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons sugar

    1. SUPREME the orange segments (here’s a video) and set aside with the juice. This can be done a day in advance. If garnishing with orange peel curls, peel the curls before segmenting the orange.

      Creamsicle Shortcake
    [1] Today’s recipe: Creamsicle shortcake (photo courtesy Cindy’s Rooftop | Chicago)

    Creamsicle Cheesecake Recipe
    [2] Prefer a cheesecake? Here’s the recipe (photo courtesy Sweet Street Desserts).

    Creamsicle Milkshake

    [3] Try a Creamsicle milkshake (photo courtesy Williams-Sonoma)

    2. MAKE the crème anglaise (this can also be done a day in advance). Combine the milk and cream in a small pot. Split the vanilla bean and scrape in the seeds. Bring to a simmer and remove from the heat.

    3. WHISK the egg yolks and sugar together in medium bowl; then gradually whisk the hot milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Return the custard to the pot and stir over low heat until it thickens, about 5 minutes. DO NOT BOIL. The sauce is thickened when it coats the back of a wooden spoon.

    4. STRAIN the sauce into a bowl, cover and chill until ready to use.

    5. ASSEMBLE: Place the cake on a plate, topped with a scoop of sorbet. Garnish the plate with orange supremes, and add the sauce. Top with an orange peel curl and serve.

    The easiest, and a favorite of ours, is a simple bowl of vanilla ice cream and orange sorbet (mango sorbet is a great substitute).

    You can also make vanilla cupcakes with orange frosting or top vanilla ice cream with orange liqueur.

    Here are more celebratory recipes:

  • Creamsicle Cheesecake (photo #2)
  • Creamsicle Cocktail
  • Creamsicle Ice Cream Cake
  • Creamsicle Milkshake (photo #3)
    Also check out fior di Sicilia, an Italian essence used to flavor baked goods and beverages. Its flavor and aroma are reminiscent of a Creamsicle.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Create A Signature Tartare Recipe

    Strawberry Tartare
    [1] Strawberry and beet “tartare.” On top of the ice cream is a cloud of cotton candy (photo courtesy Ananda Restaurant).

    Carrot Tartare
    [2] Carrot tartare. Make it with this recipe from Aliya Leekong in Food Republic.

    Steak Tartare
    [3] Beef tartare (photo courtesy Gordon Ramsay Group).


    Language evolves, of course. The meaning of words change over time, or grow to encompass additional meanings (although we hope that won’t happen with “woke”).

    It’s no different in culinary language, especially given the march of creativity and innovation.

    Take the classic Steak Tartare, known for more than 100 years as ground raw beef mixed with onions, capers, Worcestershire sauce and a raw egg.

    While 20 years ago, a dish called “tartare” was finely-diced meat (photo #3), or subsequently fish (see the history of steak tartare, below), today anything mounded in a small dice is being called “tartare.”

    Eleven Madison Park restaurant in New York City pioneered an exciting Carrot Tartare; whole carrots go through a meat grinder at the table (check it out).

    You can even make tartare for dessert, as in today’s recipe for Strawberry & Beet Tartare (photo #1).

    Or, make a vegetable tartare like Carrot Tartare (photo #2).

    In today’s fashion, if you can dice it, season it and mound it, you’ve got tartare!

  • Use your favorite fruits or vegetables—or combine them.
  • Make a surf-and-turf tartare: one layer or mound of beef tartare, one layer or mound of tuna or salmon tartare.
  • Mix in cooked grains if you like, maybe even nuts.
  • Choose seasonings analogous to the capers, onion, Worcestershire, etc., that match your base ingredient(s). Create la tartare nouvelle!
    Note: Check with your purveyor and your healthcare provider about the safety of eating any raw fish or meat.


    This recipe is adapted from one on French Women Don’t Get Fat.

  • 3/4 cup-1 cup cooked red beets, peeled, sliced and cubed (tartare size)
  • 2 cups strawberries, rinsed, pat dried, sliced and cubed (tartare size)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar, or more according to taste
  • 1 tablespoon basil cut into chiffonade
  • Optional: vanilla ice cream, basil ice cream, strawberry sorbet, lemon sorbet
  • Optional garnish: mint leaves, microgreens, flower petals

    1. PLACE the beets at bottom of a salad bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Add the strawberries and sprinkle with sugar.

    2. ADD the basil and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.

    3. MOUND on a plate; use a ring mold if you have one. Garnish as desired.

    Steak tartare, or tartar steak*, is ground raw beef mixed with onions, capers, Worcestershire sauce and a raw egg. It is generally served with toast points.

    In Belgium, where the dish is popular and served with frites (French fries), it is known as filet américain.

    The ancestor of this raw meat dish was first described in print in 1660, in a book by a French engineer, a visitor to the Ukraine. Ukrainian Cossacks, he wrote, put finger-thick slices of salted raw horse meat under their saddles and rode their horses until the salted meat was drained of its blood. They then thinly sliced and ate it (source).

    The modern version of what became known as Steak Tartare, with raw egg, was first served in French restaurants early in the 20th century. It was then called Steack à l’Americaine.

    The 1921 edition of Escoffier’s Le Guide Culinaire defines Steack à l’Americaine as made without egg yolk, and served with tartar sauce on the side.

    Modern steak tartare is an evolution of that dish. The 1938 edition of Larousse Gastronomique describes steak tartare as raw ground beef served with a raw egg yolk, with no mention of tartar sauce (source).

    In the U.S., the dish is often called Steak Tartare, “steak” having more appeal than the more generic “beef.” We’ve had lamb tartare more than a few times, at high-end restaurants.

    The name “tartare” is now applied to other meats or fish, such as tuna tartare, which introduced in 1975 by the Parisian restaurant Le Duc in Paris.

    “À la tartare” or simply “tartare” still means “served with tartar sauce” for some dishes, particularly fried fish.


    *The dish is often attributed to Genghis Khan and the Tatars, who may have originated the horseback recipe. The explanation is that the Tatars, on the rampage, did not have time to cook their meat.

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    FOOD FUN: Rainbow Veggie Pizza

    What’s at the end of the rainbow? A rainbow veggie pizza!

    This pizza is also a clever way to get the I-don’t-want-vegetables contingent to eat more of them. Thanks to Pampered Chef for the recipe.


  • 1 ball (16 ounces/450 g) fresh pizza dough
  • Canola oil
  • Assorted fresh vegetables such as broccoli; orange, red and/or yellow bell peppers; grape tomatoes; red onions; purple potatoes
  • 1/2 cup/125 mL prepared pesto
  • 1 cup/250 mL shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Optional garnish: fresh basil, chiffonade
  •   Rainbow Vegetable Pizza

    Turn summer vegetables into a colorful pizza (photo courtesy Pampered Chef).


    1. PREHEAT the oven to 425°F (218°C).

    2. BRUSH a pizza stone with oil. Place the dough in the center of the stone and roll to the edges, pressing with fingers as needed. Pierce the entire base. Bake the crust for 14–18 minutes, or until the edges are light golden brown. Meanwhile…

    3. PREPARE the vegetables. Slice the broccoli, dice the bell peppers and onion, halve the grape tomatoes, etc.

    4. REMOVE the crust from the oven and lightly brush the edges with oil. Top with ½ cup (125 mL) of prepared pesto sauce and 1 cup (250 mL) of shredded mozzarella cheese. Arrange the vegetables as shown and bake for 18–21 minutes.

    5. GARNISH with basil and serve.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Vegetable Crudo, A New Way To Enjoy Raw Vegetables

    Vegetable Crudo
    [1] Vegetable and fruit crudo. Top row: conventional and candy-stripe radishes. Middle row: orange segments separated by daikon slices. Bottom row: kirby cucumber, red carrot, yellow squash. Garnish: microgreens, small herb leaves, flower petals (photo courtesy Kikkkoman USA).

    Colored Carrots
    [2] Heirloom carrots grow in several colors. In fact, orange was one of the later developments; check out the history of carrots (photo courtesy The Wayfarer | NYC).

    Colored Radishes
    [3] These are different types of heirloom radishes. Check out your farmers market or plan ahead to grow your own (photo courtesy Little Park | NYC.

    Gran Riserva Sherry Vinegar
    [4] Cepa Vieja is a top sherry vinegar (photo courtesy DiBruno Bros.).


    “Vegetable-forward presentation is huge on menus,” says Flavor & The Menu, a magazine and website that high-end chefs follow to see what’s trending nationwide.

    “It’s moved beyond innovation and into its own movement called veg-centricity,” where vegetables have moved beyond their traditional role: a supporting role to the protein “star” of the plate.

    Now, instead of filling out the plate or rounding out a healthy meal, says Flavor & The Menu, vegetables now “co-starring, rather than serving as extras.”

    Some think that eye appeal is the excitement-generator for a dish of food.

    But it starts before then, with anticipation: a menu description, or a host announcing the course.

    The dish in the photo could have been described as “raw vegetable plate,” which might be enough to entice anyone who wants a vegetarian/vegan dish.

    But call it “vegetable crudo” (CROO-doe), and ears perk up.

    Crudo is the word for raw in Italian; crude is one word for raw in French (hence, crudités for raw vegetables).

    The photo shows an artistic arrangement of sliced raw vegetables, accompanied by orange segments.


  • 4-5 different vegetables in contrasting colors (nothing white!)
  • Orange, blood orange or red grapefruit segments (substitute melon rectangles/“fingers” of similar size)
  • Dressing of choice (see below)
  • Garnish: microgreens, small herb leaves, small flower petals, and/or summer corn kernels
    The dressing need only be a squeeze of lime juice and a drizzle of olive oil.

    Or, you can serve a ramekin of vinaigrette—Dijon vinaigrette would be lovely—on the side for dipping or pouring.

    Also consider a sherry vinaigrette*: sherry vinegar has a distinct and delightful flavor. You can use it in the same Dijon vinaigrette.

    See more about sherry vinegar below.

    1. MAKE the vinaigrette. Set aside until ready to use (or refrigerate overnight).

    2. SLICE the vegetables thinly. The slices should be delicate; not chunky, but not paper-thin. They need to be picked up with a fork.

    3. SEGMENT the fruit.

    3. PLATE the vegetables and fruit. You can use the photo #1 as a guide, or create your own design.

    Sherry vinegar is not broadly used in the U.S. Fortunately, it is available; and you can treat yourself to a bottle. A premium bottle is also a nice gift for anyone who cooks (or anyone named Sherry).

    Authentic sherry vinegar is made in Spain using the solera style of aging. The wine is fermented for years in a series of increasingly smaller oak barrels. This long aging process and artisan technique mean that sherry vinegar commands a higher price tag than most other vinegars.

    A dark, intensely-flavored vinegar with a sweet finish, sherry vinegar is used like fine balsamic to add a gourmet touch to dishes. Like sherry wine, the vinegar appeals to connoisseurs. The attributes “fat” and “rich” are often given to vinegars made from sherry, and a fine product’s complexity can be considered “mellow.”

    If you don’t have sherry vinegar when a recipe calls for it, you can substitute red wine vinegar.

    One of the charms of a quality sherry vinegar it that you can drink it from a shot glass or liqueur glass, as a digestif after dinner (if you find it too strong, add a splash of sparkling water).

    A good sherry vinegar has many uses in the kitchen:

  • Bread dipper with olive oil
  • Fresh cheese drizzle (goat cheese, ricotta)
  • Fresh fruit drizzle (like balsamic)
  • Glaze for protein (chicken, salmon)
  • Ice cream drizzle
  • Marinade
  • Pan sauce deglazer
  • Vegetable drizzle
  • Vinaigrette
    Buying Sherry Vinegar

    Sherry is a fortified wine made from white grapes that are grown around the city of Jerez de la Frontera in southern Spain. The wines are D.O.P. protected.

    Authentic sherry vinegar will be made from local sherry and labeled Vinagre de Jerez.

    As with authentic balsamic vinegar, prices are in a wide range, depending on aging, which creates complexity, and brand reputation.

  • The lower-priced bottles are aged for about 6 months. You can use them in dressings, marinades and general cooking.
  • The middle range, labeled “Reserva,” are aged for 2-3 years. You can use them to drizzle and can also drink them.
  • “Gran Reserva” sherry vinegars are aged for at least 10 years. Like fine balsamics, they should be used for drizzling and drinking by people with appreciative palates. These are typically from $10 to $25 for an 8-ounce bottle. Gran Capirete and Cepa Vieja (photo #4) are two good brands.

    *Dijon Vinaigrette or Sherry Vinaigrette Recipe: Whisk together 1 cup quality olive oil, 1/3 sherry vinegar or other fine vinegar; 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, salt and pepper to taste.

    Denomination of Origin, which assures customers that they are buying an authentic product from a designated region, made with traditional artisan techniques.


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    S’mores Popcorn & More Recipes For National S’mores Day

    This recipe for S’mores Popcorn comes from Valerie’s Home Cooking, a new cookbook by actress Valerie Bertinelli (photo #2).

    Valerie advises: “All I can do here is issue a warning: Get ready for an amazing, tasty, and addictive treat—and only eat these if you’re with someone who won’t mind your licking your fingers.

    “I was actually trying to come up with a peanut butter and jelly popcorn, an idea I have not yet been able to perfect…I finally tossed my experiment out and someone said, ‘Well, how about s’mores [popcorn]?’

    “The sweet and salty combo on the popcorn blew my mind. It’s much better if you let it cool for an hour. Also, mix it well—don’t let all the chocolate settle on the bottom. And yes, this does save in an airtight container, but good luck with that.”

    The recipe serves 16. Active prep time is 25 minutes, total with setting is 1 hour, 45 minutes.

    While waiting for the chocolate to set, take a look at:

  • S’mores History.
  • Graham Cracker History.
  • A S’mores Popcorn Recipe For Kids With Chocolate Teddy Grahams.


  • 10 cups popped salted popcorn
  • 1 cup miniature marshmallows
  • 1 cup lightly crushed graham crackers* (about 5 rectangles)
  • 3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips*
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • ½ cup unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • Candy thermometer

    *We used Guittard chocolate chips and Trader Joe’s graham crackers, both far superior to “the usual.” You can substitute a quality chocolate bar, chopped up, for the chocolate chips.

    1. PREHEAT the oven to 250°F. Line 2 large rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.

    2. TOSS together the popcorn, marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate chips in a large bowl. Set aside.

    3. COMBINE the granulated sugar, butter, brown sugar, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high, stirring until the butter melts and the ingredients are completely combined. Continue to boil, without stirring, until a candy thermometer inserted in the mixture registers 245°F (firm ball stage), about 4 minutes.

    4. REMOVE the sugar mixture from the heat, and stir in the salt and baking soda. Gradually pour the sugar mixture over the popcorn mixture, stirring gently with a heatproof spatula until the popcorn is evenly coated. Spread evenly onto the prepared baking sheets.

    5. BAKE until the sugar mixture is melted and evenly incorporated, about 20 minutes, stirring gently after 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and place in a cool, dry place until the chocolate is firm, about 1 hour.

    Here are some s’mores recipes with twists that we’ve published, just a smattering of the thousands of s’mores recipes out there.

    Of course, the classic graham cracker sandwich with toasted marshmallows and a piece of chocolate is perfect as is.

  • S’mores Baked Alaska
  • Cinnamon Tortilla Chip S’mores and a cappuccino cocktail
  • Creative S’mores Recipes
  • Fancy S’mores (banana split, peach, peanut brittle etc.)
  • Grilled Banana S’mores
  • Gourmet Marshmallow S’mores
  • Ice Cream S’mores
  • Skillet S’mores (s’mores Fondue)
  • S’mores With Other Types Of Cookies (not grahams)
  • S’mores Ice Cream Pie and Cupcakes
  • S’mores In A Cup Or Mason Jar
  • S’mores Cookie Bars
  • S’mores Ice Cream Cake
  • S’mores On A Stick
  • S’mores On The Grill
  • Triscuit S’mores
  •   S'mores Popcorn Recipe
    [1] Valerie Bertinelli’s s’mores popcorn recipe (photo courtesy Oxmoor House).

    Valerie's Home Cooking
    Buy the book on Amazon (photo courtesy Oxmoor House).

    Smores Waffles
    [3] There are so many different ways to enjoy s’mores. A natural extension is s’mores waffles (photo courtesy Posie Harwood | King Arthur Flour).

    S'mores Ice Cream Cake
    [4] Ready for a bite of this s’mores ice cream cake? Here’s the recipe (photo courtesy Kraft Foods).

    No-Bake S'mores Pie Recipe
    [5] No-Bake S’mores Pie. Here’s the recipe (photo © Brown Eyed Baker).


    Popcorn recipe and images copyright © 2017 Oxmoor House. Reprinted with permission from Time Inc. Books, a division of TimeInc. New York, NY. All rights reserved.


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