TIP OF THE DAY: National Lasagne Day

Today is National Lasagne Day, the plural of lasagna and the more appropriate term—after all, there’s more than one noodle in the recipe! The dish dates back to Roman times, although Roman lasagne was not as delicious as the layered noodles, cheese and tomato sauce many of us enjoy today. That’s because the Romans did…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: It’s National Mustard Day

Mustard seeds aren’t spicy until they are cracked and mixed with a liquid—generally wine or vinegar. Photo by Magda Skale | SXC. National Mustard Day falls on the first Saturday of August. That’s today. How should you celebrate? Check out all the different types of mustard in our Mustard Glossary. You won’t believe how many…
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NEW PRODUCT: Adult-Flavored Lollipops

Yearning for a lollipop, but saddled with a sophisticated palate? Katie Das understands. Maker of Das Caramelini fabulously flavored salt caramels (a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week), Katie has put her flavor skills to work on suckers. Now appearing at the end of a stick are: Caramel Me Happy (Salty Caramel). Inspired by the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Bargain Caviar

It’s Caviar Day, but don’t worry—you can celebrate without taking out a second mortgage. Pressed caviar is made from the ripest beluga, osetra and sevruga eggs that were broken or otherwise damaged in handling. The eggs are pressed together until they become like a spread, and are sold for substantially less money than regular caviar.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Unusual Ice Creams

Today is Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day. Our wine editor is in demand for his beet, lavender and saffron ice creams—and he even makes ice cream from rare black truffle. If you don’t have time to make something special, look in your specialty foods store. One of our favorites, Reed’s Ginger Ice Cream (available at…
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