Popcorn Salad Recipe: A Green Salad With More Fiber!

Is popcorn salad a way to get kids (and salad-avoiding adults) a way to eat more salad? Is it a way to get more fiber into your salad? Is it food fun? Or is it all three?     POPCORN SALAD HISTORY While it may sound quirky and new, popcorn salad has a long history.…
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How To Stop Food Waste For Earth Day & Every Day

With so many people going hungry in the U.S. (much less, worldwide), it’s shocking how much food we waste. It’s not just us, the consumers. It’s the whole food chain, from “ugly” produce left to rot in the field, to problems with transportation and storage, to foods thrown out by grocers, foodservice, etc. In fact,…
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RECIPE: Asparagus Salad With Ricotta Salata & Roast Chicken

For dinner yesterday, we made this salad from Discover California Wines, the consumer website of the Wine Institute. Its focus is recipes with wine pairings. This asparagus salad recipe (photo #1) reminded us to have as much asparagus as we can while it’s in season. In some parts of the country asparagus is in the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Carrot Salad Recipes For International Carrot Day

April 4th is International Carrot Day. Most people we know eat carrots relatively often, but hows about carrot salad? Many of us grew up with carrot salad with raisins, celery and mayonnaise. It was delicious, but it’s fallen out of fashion. Here’s a way to revive the concept, with fun variations. The idea here is…
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