TIP OF THE DAY: Ways To Use Maple Syrup

We love real maple syrup—the kind that comes from maple trees. Most of the syrup purchased in supermarkets is called “breakfast syrup,” by law. It contains no real maple syrup—just artificial maple flavoring mixed with corn syrup (or worse, HFCS) and caramel coloring. Be sure the bottle says “100% real maple syrup.” Maple syrup has…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Egg Bake Recipe For Breakfast Or Brunch

[1] Make it in advance. In the morning, just place it in the oven (photo © Kraft). [2] To cube bread, day-old (or even two-day-old) is better (photo †© King Arthur Baking). [3] Cook and crumble bacon (photo © iGourmet). [4] Grate a brick of Cheddar (photo © Microplane).   We tried this do-ahead baked…
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RECIPE: Coconut Shrimp

A match made in heaven: coconut and fried shrimp. Photo courtesy Chef Johnny Prep.   We reserve coconut shrimp as a special dish to eat once a year. We love it, but gave up the fried group during New Year’s resolutions a few years back. Our once-a-year arrived when we received this recipe. This is…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Pumpkin In Every Recipe

Pumpkin is a wonderful fruit*, loaded with the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene, which research indicates may reduce the risk of developing heart disease and certain types of cancer, among the degenerative aspects of aging and other conditions. One cup of cooked pumpkin has just 49 calories. One of the nice things about fall is that food…
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FOOD FUN: Football & Baseball Cupcakes

Sure, cupcakes are the rage; but what happens when you buy a dozen or two for entertaining? You pay a lot of money! The first time you bake a batch instead of buying them, you’ll save enough money to pay for two cupcake/muffin tins to make 24 cupcakes. This nonstick cupcake/muffin pan from Wilton has…
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