TIP OF THE DAY: Piñata Cake

Our job includes a lot of research, which often turns up surprising things. One of this is piñata cake, a concept that originated in the U.K. and is also popular in Australia. We also found it in Germany, called surprise cake. You don’t hit a piñata cake with a stick. It’s when you cut into…
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Deconstructed Food Recipes: Deconstruct Your Favorite Foods

For National Black Forest Cake Day, March 28th, we deconstructed the Black Forest Cake (photo #1), inspired by the dessert (photo #2) at Compère Lapin in New Orleans. We had so much fun with it, that today’s tip is: Deconstruct one of your favorite recipes. Here’s what we did with Black Forest Cake, but you…
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FOOD FUN: Naked Easter Cake With Chocolate Nest

We had never heard of naked cake when, in our first apartment, we began to bake Easter cakes. For years, we had a Nordicware lamb-shape cake mold. We baked a chocolate cake (a black sheep, as it were), frosted it in vanilla, and covered it with white flaked coconut. One year, we outgrew the lamb,…
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FOOD FUN: Birthday Cheesecake Recipe

[1] A birthday cheesecake with sprinkles inside (photo from Wine & Glue). [2] Instead of the standard cheesecake graham cracker crust (like this one from Sally’s Baking Addiction), we used a birthday-like sponge cake layer. [3] We love a chocolate ganache topping on cheesecake (photo courtesy Baked By Nature).   Some birthday boys and girls…
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HOLIDAY: Cereal Donuts For National Cereal Day

[1] and [2] Cereal-topped donuts and milk from Show Me The Yummy. [3] and [4] Lactaid for everyone! (photo courtesy Lactaid).   March 7th is National Cereal Day, and here’s the big question: Do you drink the leftover milk in your cereal bowl? According to a survey by Wakefield Research*, 74% of Americans frequently drink…
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