Turkey Napkin Fold & The History Of Napkins

Does someone in your family have a crafty streak? Let him or her do the napkin folding for Thankgsgiving dinner. You can find different looks online, but we like this simple-but-elegant version from Martha Stewart. Here’s how to fold it. Don’t wait until Thanksgiving to start folding. Test your skills and your napkins in advance.…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Fine Teas From Steven Smith Teamaker

[1] A calming herbal blend. [2] The selection of black, green, herbal and white teas will please everyone. [3] Lord Bergamot, the company’s version of Earl Gre;, powerfully blended (all photos courtesy Steven Smith Teamaker).   Steven Smith of Portland, Oregon was* tea royalty in the U.S., first as co-founder of Stash, then as founder…
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RECIPE: Frozen Pumpkin Tiramisu & The History Of Tiramisu

Given the popularity of tiramisu in the U.S., we’re surprised we haven’t come across a frozen pumpkin tiramisu before this one. Instead of layering the ingredients in a bowl or pan, this recipe takes the extra step of building it in a springform pan, so it emerges looking like a frozen soufflé. The recipe is…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Garlic Crostini, Better Than Garlic Bread

[1] Garlic bread as a first course—or maybe, as the salad course (photo © California Avocado Commission). [2] Sneak spinach onto your “garlic bread” (photo © Good Eggs | SF). [3] The spinach gets camouflaged with diced avocado (photo © Tio Gazpacho).   What’s better than garlic bread? Garlic bread crostini! This appetizer, first course…
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FOOD FUN: Beyond The Twist, Lemon & Lime Flowers & Art

No doubt you’ve cut lemon and lime circles and twists for garnish, and wedges to squeeze over beverages, salads, seafoods, and so on. We have long used a channel zester to carve vertical lines in fruits and vegetables, creating a design in the fruit and strips of peel for garnish.     THE GROOVY JOYS…
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