TIP OF THE DAY: Cassoulet & Cannellini Beans

[1] A hearty dish of cassoulet Bandol rouge. Bandol rouge is a red wine from Provence that pairs well with cassoulet (photo © Bar Boulud). [2] Cassoulet is made easy with this meal kit from Williams Sonoma (photo © Williams-Sonoma.com). [3] The original cassoulet pot shape, with slanted sides. It is the source of the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Bloody Mary Oyster Shooters

[1] Stylish Bloody Mary oyster shooters (photo Pinterest | Chowhound ). [2] The oyster is in the drink, which is garnished with the Bloody Mary’s classic celery stick (at Seviche | Louisville). [3] Decorate a serving plate for passing the shooters, with coarse salt, black, green and pink peppercorns (photo courtesy James Beard Foundation). [4]…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Black-Eyed Peas For New Year’s Day

In the American South, a New Year’s Day meal of black-eyed peas and greens, such as collards, is considered good luck. The peas symbolize coins and the greens symbolize paper money. A dish that combines both is the popular beans-and-rice combination, Hoppin’ John. Other favorites are black-eyed peas and ham, the peas often combined with…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Muscadine Grapes

What are those jumbo grapes you occasionally find in the market? They’re muscadine grapes, Vitis rotundifolia, a species native to the warm, humid climate of the southeastern and south-central United States. The vines are well adapted to their native warm and humid climate. The grape has been extensively cultivated since the 16th century. Today there…
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FOOD FUN: Make A Snowman Latte Or Cappuccino

In a cup of hot coffee, he’s not so frosty (photo courtesy Illy).   There may not be enough snow on the ground to build a snowman, but you can build one atop a cappuccino or latte, with this recipe from Illy. This easy-to-make snowman is fun for adults, and can be adapted to hot…
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