TIP: Eat More Peaches ~ The Season Ends Soon!

Skillet photo courtesy Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. Photo of Wisconsin Fontina courtesy Emmi Roth USA.   Soon, juicy peaches will be gone from the shelf. Even if you’ve had a few, as hand fruit or in recipes, seek them out in the next few weeks and enjoy peaches while you still can. Our personal favorite…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cut Back On The Hors d’Oeuvre

People who love to put out a good spread typically go whole-hog on the hors d’oeuvre. The problem, in advance of a big feast, is that those who have been holding back on eating in anticipation of the big meal may go overboard with the pre-meal tidbits. Guests may have eaten very lightly that day…
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RECIPE: Goat Cheese Sweet Potato Parfait Appetizer

If you run with a gourmet crowd, here’s a suggestion for a first course that’s easy to make, yet impressive and unique. It is especially elegant when you use a ring mold to create a free-standing tower. However, an easy alternative is to layer the ingredients in a dessert glass or juice glass. You can…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Savory Cheesecake

For a delightful change of pace, try a savory cheesecake appetizer. Photo courtesy Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.   When you want to serve something impressive and unexpected at your next dinner party or cocktail party, consider a savory cheesecake. Instead of sugar and vanilla, it calls for herbs, salt and savory components—cheeses such as blue…
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RECIPE: Crudité Flag, A July 4th Snack

We launch this year’s series of red, white and blue July 4th foods with a crudité flag. The red and white flag stripes are cauliflower florets, red cherry tomatoes and red bell pepper strips. (Remove the stems from the tomatoes—the green color doesn’t belong on the flag.) The blue field with white stars is represented…
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