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TIP OF THE DAY: Bone Broth For Breakfast

Breakfast Soup With Hard Boiled Egg

Chicken Bone Broth
[1] A hot, hearty, nutritious breakfast (photo courtesy Good Eggs). [2] You can buy bone broth in multiple or individual serving sizes (photo courtesy Appetite For Health).


Over the last couple of years, bone broth—made from the bones of beef or chicken—has become the nutrition du jour, for lunch, dinner, and for breaks during the day.

How about for breakfast? In Asia, soup is a breakfast standard.

It’s hot, hearty, nourishing comfort food.

And you can make it with whatever you like.

We adapted this recipe from one by Good Eggs.

You can substitute whatever broth you prefer (miso, pho, etc.). You can buy the packaged broth, and even individual portions of it (such as with Nona Lim’s and Pacific brands).

If you have other vegetables in the crisper, or a piece of leftover chicken, just cut or shred them and toss them in.

If you’d like tofu instead of ramen, ditto.

And if you’d like to have the broth for lunch or a snack, no one will question your judgment.

Ingredients For 3 Servings

  • 12 ounces broth
  • 5 ounces (one packet) ramen
  • 1 head bok choy or ½ head chard or kale, sliced into ½” ribbons
  • 3 scallions, green and white parts chopped roughly
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 to 1 cup of fresh cilantro, chopped roughly (substitute mint, basil, parsley, chervil)
  • Optional: hot sauce or other favorite seasoning

    1. HEAT the broth, diluting with water as desired. When the broth boils, add the ramen and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then add the greens and scallions, and any extra vegetables or proteins.

    2. SIMMER for another 3-5 minutes, until the greens are bright and tender but still have texture.

    3. BOIL a small pot of water, add the eggs and simmer for 7 minutes and 20 seconds. Remove from the water and place in an ice bath. Peel them when they are touchable.

    4. PORTION the broth into bowls, along with halved egg. Garnish with herbs as desired.


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    PRODUCT: Easy Coconut Macaroon Mix For Passover

    Macaroons are a delicious cookie year-round. The originals were invented by Italian monks from ground almonds. The name derives from the Italian maccherone.

    Italian Jews adopted the cookie for eight-day observation of Passover, because it was free of restricted ingredients like flour and leavening.

    The macaroon was introduced to other European Jews and became popular as a year-round sweet. Over time, coconut was added to the ground almonds and, in certain recipes, replaced them.

    Macaroons arrived in France in 1533 with the pastry chefs of Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henri II.

    But the French macaron, a meringue sandwich, was centuries away.

    The concept was invented by Pierre Desfontaines Ladurée, who, at the beginning of the 20th century, had the idea to join two meringues and fill them with ganache.

    Here’s more history of macaroons and macarons.


    You can make them from scratch, or pick up a box or two (or three) of King Arthur Flour’s Coconut Macaroon Cookie Mix.

    It’s $5.95 per box, yielding approximately 2 dozen macaroons; and it’s certified kosher.

    They’re super-easy to make: Just add water to the mix, scoop them into balls and bake.

    If you love coconut, this is your cookie. Ever so slightly toasty on the outside, moist and chewy inside.

    They’re as good or better than any from-scratch recipe we’ve had.

    While the ingredients themselves do not have gluten, the mix is not certified gluten-free because it hasn’t been tested for the presence of gluten.


    You can dress them up macaroons by:

  • Dipping them in quality chocolate, all dipped or half dipped.
  • Drizzling them with chocolate.
  • Adding mini chocolate chips or toffee chips to the batter.
  • Making them thumbprint style, with a chocolate or other flavor disk on top (photos #1 and #2).
  • Baking squares with a chocolate bottom (photo #3).

    Use parchment so the white bottoms don’t get too dark or scorch, and reduce the oven temperature to 350°F,

    Even so, watch them closely as they bake.

    If the mix is too dry, before baking, add another 1/4 cup of water (or as needed).

      White Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

    Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

    Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

    Coconut Macaroon Mix

    All photos courtesy King Arthur Flour.



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    FOOD 101: The History Of Jam, Jelly & Preserves

    We’ve already done a turn on the the history of peanut butter. Today it’s the history of jam and jelly.

    Before we start on its history, check out the different types of fruit spreads: not just jam, jelly, and preserves, but chutney, conserve, curd, fruit butter, and marmalade.

    The history of jam and preserves begins with the history of food preservation. After all, it was only a few centuries ago that technology was created to store foods over long periods.

    By the Paleolithic period 2.6 million years ago*—also called the Stone Age, and marked by the earliest known use of stone tools—people were preserving food. They had already realized that if they could save food they collected in times of plenty, it would make survival easier during times of scarcity. They could also avoid having to constantly roam greater and greater distances to look for fresh food.

    The earliest natural methods of preserving food were:

  • Using cold, in areas with ice and snow-packed in caves or cellars, or simply frozen under the ice.
  • Drying—eliminating the moisture from food by exposing it to the sun, applying pressure, or smoking (bacteria and mold need moisture to live). Evidence shows that Middle Eastern and Asian cultures actively dried foods as early as 12,000 B.C.E. [source]
  • The use of salt for preserving food came later in prehistory. Beginning in the Bronze Age (ca. 3200 B.C.E. to 600 B.C.E.), many salt roads—trade routes overland and via rivers—carried salt to trade in regions that had none.
  • Honey, which has no moisture so can preserve foods enclosed in it, has been used for 8,000 years (6000 B.C.E.) at least. A rock painting from that time shows people harvesting honey. Similarly, syrups of honey and sugar were used as preservatives. (The earliest “candies” are considered to be dates and figs in syrup.)
  • Preservation with honey or sugar was well known to the earliest cultures. Fruits kept in honey were commonplace.
  • In ancient Greece, quince was mixed with honey, dried somewhat, and packed tightly into jars. The Romans improved on the method by cooking the quince and honey together, producing a meld of the ingredients (preserves!)].
    Here’s more on the preservation of foods from The National Center For Home Food Preservation..

    The first steps toward modern preservation methods were spurred by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1785. He needed to send food with his armies that wouldn’t spoil but preserve the food they needed.

    Thus canning came to be, enabling fruits and vegetables in all their forms to be preserved until the next year’s bounty, followed somewhat later by mason jars for home cooks.

    Here’s the history of canning and the history of mason jars.

    Credit cooks in the Middle East as the first to make jam and preserves, though historians can’t pinpoint the date. It was before the 11th century; we just don’t know how much before.

    It may have been the 4th century or earlier. Recipes for fruit preserves (using honey) can be found in the oldest cookbook to survive from antiquity: De Re Coquinaria (“The Art of Cooking”).

    The book is believed to be published in the late fourth or early fifth century, and is attributed to “Marcus Gavius Apicius.”*


    *The Paleolithic is considered to have ended around 10,000 B.C.E.

    †This is considered a pseudonym of the author(s), honoring a famous epicure by that name who lived some four centuries earlier.
    Sugar Travels From The Pacific To The Middle Eaast

    While honey could be used to sweeten jams and preserves, it was sugar that became the sweetener of preference.

    The people of New Guinea in the South Pacific domesticated sugar cane some 10,000 years ago. It was later planted in India, where growers in the Ganges Delta became adept at refining the sweet cane juice into crystallized sugar.

    Darius The Great (549-485 B.C.E.) brought sugar cane back to Persia following his invasion of India. Persia became a prolific sugar-producing region, and Middle Easterners had lots of it. Not so, the countries to the north.

    Jump to the 11th century and the Crusades.

    Amazingly, sugar was only discovered by Western Europeans in the 11th Century C.E., as a result of the Crusades (1095 to 1291). Crusaders returning home talked of how pleasant the “new spice” was. The first recorded mention of sugar in England was in 1099 [source].

    But it wasn’t cheap.

    As an example, a record from 1319 C.E. cites sugar available in London at “two shillings a pound.” That’s about $50 per pound in today’s money.

    So jellies, preserves, and other sugar-based foods would have been restricted to royalty and the wealthy.

    Marmalade is believed to have been created in 1561 by the physician to Mary, Queen of Scots. He crushed oranges and sugar as a remedy for her seasickness.

    For more pleasant uses, royal sweet tooths kept royal kitchen staff busy.

    The magnificent feasts of Louis XIV always ended with marmalades and jellies served in silver dishes, eaten with silver spoons (so don’t feel guilty about dipping into the jar with your stainless steel flatware).

    Not that Louis and his acquaintances watched their pennies, but sugar wasn’t cheap. It didn’t trickle down to the bourgeoisie (or the British middle classes

    As an example, we have a record from 1319 C.E. citing sugar available in London at “two shillings a pound.” That’s about $50 per pound in today’s money.

    Unless money knew no boundaries, sugar was a luxury.

    Finally, with the enormous expansion of industry and opportunity starting with the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, most people could afford sugar for their coffee and tea.
    Why Jelly Arrived Later

    Jelly came centuries later. It required gelatin to set it. (In modern times, pectin derived from fruits is used.)

    Gelatin (also spelled gelatine) had been made since ancient times by boiling animal and fish bones and connective tissues. It was a laborious process, undertaken largely by the kitchens of the wealthy, which had the staff resources to undertake it.‡

    Aspic, made from meat or fish stock, appears in Egyptian wall paintings. It seems to have dropped from sight, sometime after the fall of Ancient Egypt (30 B.C.E.) and the sack of Rome by the Visigoths in 410 C.E., which led to more sacking by other peoples and the Dark Ages.

    No one had enough to eat of the basics, much less laboriously crafted fare.


    Pear Jelly
    [1] Jelly is clear. How about this pear jelly recipe (photo © Things We Make).

    Orange Marmalade
    [2] Marmalade has a clear base, but is different from jelly in that it includes pieces of the fruit. Try this orange marmalade recipe (photo © The Suburban Soapbox).

    Pineapple Passionfruit Jam
    [3] Jam is made from crushed fruit. For some tropical pizzazz, make this pineapple-passionfruit jam recipe (photo © The Flexitarian).

    Cherry Preserves
    [4] Preserves differ from jam, in that the fruit is cooked whole (in the case of small fruit like berries) and is recognizable its syrup. In cherry season, make this cherry preserves recipe (photo © Cilantropist).

    Raspberry Curd
    [5] In a curd, the cooked fruit is puréed and combined with butter into a creamy spread. Try this lemon curd recipe (photo © Saving Dessert).

    Apple Butter
    [6] In an interesting twist, products called fruit butter have no butter or other dairy. This slow cooker apple butter recipe is a great starter recipe for fruit butter (photo © Dessert For Two). See many more types of fruit spreads in our Jam & Jelly Glossary.

    Aspic later resurfaced as a French darling at the beginning of the Renaissance, around 1400. Kitchens of the wealthy turned out fancy aspics and desserts.

    Powdered gelatin was invented in 1682 by Denis Papin, a French physicist, mathematician, and inventor. It made the production of jelly so much easier and enabled the development of other foods that required stiffening.

    And that’s why jelly came much later.

    Interestingly, Papin’s Wikipedia page doesn’t mention gelatin—just his scientific inventions. No doubt, inventing the forerunner of the steam engine tops jelling food.

    Here’s a longer history of gelatin.

    By the way:

    The word jelly comes from the French word gelée, meaning to congeal or gel.

    The word jam appears in 18th-century English from the word meaning to press tightly.

    The word marmalade appeared in the late 15th century, derived from the Portuguese word for quince jam, marmelada.


    ‡The primary use for gelatin was as glue.


    Lamb With Mint Jelly
    [7] Lamb roast with mint jelly, a British classic (photo © Welsh Beef & Lamb).

    Pancakes With Strawberry Jam
    [8] Pancakes with strawberry jam (photo © Calm Belly Kitchen).

    Linzer Cookies
    [9] Raspberry jam is the filling for liner cookies and tortes (photo © American Heritage Cooking).

      Sugar Comes To The West Indies

    Arab trade brought sugar to southern Europe through Spain, and the first Spanish explorers carried it to the New World.

    It is recorded that in 1493, Christopher Columbus brought sugar cane plants to grow in the West Indies. The crop thrived, and the region became Europe’s main source of sugar, beginning around 1500.

    Sugar was the main crop produced on plantations throughout the Caribbean beginning in the 18th century, leading to a boom in the Caribbean economies through the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

    These plantations produced 80% to 90% of the sugar consumed in Western Europe. A by-product of refining sugar was molasses, given to the slaves for sweetening their food. One clever fellow discovered that fermenting the molasses made a delicious drink: rum.

    As global trading grew, the price of sugar became affordable in the 19th century to middle and lower-income families in Europe and the U.S.

    But sugar was a precious necessity. In 1888, the American folk song Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill, has railroad workers lamenting, “Oh it’s work all day for the sugar in your tay” [tea].

    And that meant sugar for your jams and jellies, candies, and desserts, too.

    From European royalty to Americans to American pioneers, to energizing troops during battle, to making life sweeter for children and invalids, and just about everyone else:

    Jams and preserves came to the U.S. with colonists.

    As a teenager in 1792, John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, a nurseryman (the title in those days), moved from western Pennsylvania to Ohio. In 1805 began his apprenticeship as an orchardist with an apple grower.

    He noted the U.S. surge westward in the early 1800s and decided on his life’s journey: planting apple trees throughout the Midwest, so incoming pioneers could make cider and jam.

    One of those pioneers was Jerome Monroe Smucker of Orrville, Ohio, a farmer who opened a cider mill in 1897 using fruit that Johnny Appleseed had planted. Within a few years, he was also making apple butter, in a copper kettle over a wood stove.

    Jerome and his wife Ella ladled the apple butter into stoneware crocks, and Ella then sold it from her horse-drawn wagon to other housewives in the county. Today their venture is worth more than $15 billion.

  • In Concord, Massachusetts in 1853, Ephraim Wales Bull perfected the breeding of a cold-climate, rich-tasting grape, giving us a legacy of Concord grape jelly.
  • In 1869, Dr. Thomas Branwell Welch used the Concord grape to launch his grape juice company.
  • In 1918, Welch’s company made its first jam product, Grapelade. The U.S. Army bought the entire inventory and shipped it to France for consumption by the troops during World War I. When the troops returned to the States after the war, they demanded more “Grapelade.” Welch’s signature Concord grape jelly debuted in 1923.
  • In 1940 the Food and Drug Administration established Standards of Identity (legal requirements) for what can be called jam, jelly, preserves, and fruit butter.
  • After World War II, food scientists developed the process of aseptic canning: heating the food and the jar or can separately. For sensitive foods such as fruits, this allowed for high-temperature flash cooking that preserved taste and nutritional value.
  • Alas, when sugar prices soared in the early 1970s, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) became a popular substitute for mass producers. It took more than 30 years for health professionals, and then consumers, to remove HFCS from many of our foods [source].
  • Beginning with the emergence of the foodie in the mid-1980s, more Americans entered the artisan food business: back to the basics, using the best ingredients and artisan techniques. Without economies of scale, their products are more expensive than mass brands, but worth it.
  • Today, the U.S. produces about 1 billion pounds of fruit spreads (jams, jellies, preserves, fruit spreads, marmalades, fruit & honey butter) annually. Per capita consumption is approximately 2.2 pounds annually.




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    RECIPE: Peanut Butter & Jelly Waffles

    Peanut Butter & Jelly Waffle Sandwich
    [1] A different kind of peanut butter and jelly sandwich (photo © Cait’s Plate).

    Smooth Operator Peanut Butter
    [2] You can also celebrate with peanut butter and jelly thumbprint cookies. Here’s the recipe (photo © Chef de Home).

    Fancy Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
    [3] Don’t want waffles? Here’s a special way to celebrate with a sandwich (photo © Jif).


    April 2nd is National Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Day. It’s easy to whip up a sandwich; but more special to make a waffle sandwich.

    We’re making waffle sandwiches, inspired by a recipe from Cait’s Plate. (National Waffle Day is August 24th—another chance to make the recipe below.)

    We used Peanut Butter & Co.’s Smooth Operator, but you can use any flavor of any brand you like.

    Peanut Butter & Co.’s other peanut butter flavors include The Bee’s Knees (honey), Cinnamon Raisin Swirl, Crunch Time, Dark Chocolate Dreams, The Heat Is On, Mighty Maple, Old Fashioned Crunchy, Old Fashioned Smooth, and White Chocolate Wonderful.

    We used Smooth Operator and Smucker’s Fruit & Honey Spread in Strawberry. We made our own waffles from scratch. Frozen just doesn’t do it for us.

    But if you use store-bought waffles, you’ll be ready to eat in five minutes.

    > The history of peanut butter and jelly is below.

    > The history of peanut butter.

    > The history of jelly.

    > The history of waffles.

    Ingredients For 1 Serving

  • Waffles of choice
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter, or more to taste
  • 2 tablespoons jelly or jam of choice, or more to taste
  • Optional layer: sliced bananas
  • Optional garnish: berries or other fruit

    1. MAKE the waffles. Spread with peanut butter and jelly, add the optional bananas and stack into a “sandwich.”
    P.B. & J. IN THE U.S.A.

    Last year, Smucker’s conducted a study on America’s favorite comfort foods. The winner was PB&J.

    Comforting America through thick and thin, rich and poor, crunchy and creamy, the survey revealed that PB&J is beloved across all generations.

  • 30% of Americans say a PB&J sandwich is their number one choice for comfort food, followed by macaroni and cheese (21%) and grilled cheese (19%)
  • 30% of Americans are most likely to eat a PB&J sandwich when packing/making one for their child.
  • 60% of Moms say a PB&J sandwich is the easiest lunch to make.
  • 57% of Dads say a PB&J sandwich is the easiest lunch to make.
  • 48% of millennials say a PB&J sandwich is their go-to lunch item.
  • 37% of millennials eat a PB&J sandwich about two or more times per week.


    Jelled, crushed fruits have been around since ancient times. It took a couple of additional millennia for peanut butter to appear.

    Peanut butter was developed in 1880 by a St. Louis doctor, to provide a protein food for people who had lost their chewing teeth. In those days, peanut butter was scooped out of barrels by the corner grocer.

    Thanks to the proselytizing of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who owned a sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan, peanut butter became popular at health spas (sanitariums).

    It was lapped up by the rich and famous who populated the spas, and the recipe returned home with them. Peanut butter was the fad food of the elite. It moved into the mainstream only after the elite market was saturated.

    According to Peanuts: The Illustrious History of the Goober Pea by Andrew F. Smith:

    Peanut butter became a trend (in the old days, a “fad”). According to sources in The Story Behind The Dish, peanut butter was originally paired [on crackers or tea sandwiches] with celery, cheese, nasturtium, pimento and watercress.

    Here’s more on the history of peanut butter.

    In a Good Housekeeping article published in May 1896, a recipe “urged homemakers to use a meat grinder to make peanut butter and spread the result on bread.” The following month, the culinary magazine Table Talk published a “peanut butter sandwich recipe.”
    The History Of The Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

    According to The Story Behind The Dish: Classic American Foods by Mark McWilliams, the first published recipe for peanut butter and jelly on bread was from Julia Davis Chandler in 1901.

    The recipe also appeared in the 1901 Boston Cooking-School Magazine of Culinary Science and Domestic Economics, edited by Fanny Farmer.

    It helped that peanut butter became popular around the time that sandwiches were becoming common lunch food in the U.S. According to McWilliams, they really “burst onto the scene in 1920s.”

    Check out the history of peanut butter and the history of jelly

    For the rest of PB&J sandwich, here are the history of bread, and the history of waffles.



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    TIP OF THE DAY: Smithfield Spiral Sliced Ham For Easter

    Why do we eat ham at Easter? The answer is below.

    But eat we do! Smithfield sent THE NIBBLE its latest flavor, Smokehouse Reserve Baked Apple Spiced Spiral Sliced Ham (the flavor refers to the glaze packets that are included.

    Weighing in at more than five pounds, we served it last night at our monthly editorial dinner.

    The ham was so juicy, so easy to prepare (precooked, it needed only 90 minutes of heating) that two more team members are buying spiral-sliced Smithfield hams for Easter dinner.

    Each pound of spiral sliced ham contains approximately 4 servings, so our group of nine went home with leftovers, planning how to use them today.

    Smokehouse Reserve Baked Apple Spiced Spiral Sliced Ham is a limited edition that joins Smithfield’s lineup of spiral sliced hams:

    • Brown Sugar Spiral Sliced Ham, regular or preglazed
    • Crunchy Glaze Spiral Sliced Ham
    • Crunchy Glaze Quarter Boneless Spiral Sliced Ham
    • Hickory Smoked Spiral Sliced Ham, regular or preglazed
    • Pecan Praline Spiral Slcied Ham
    • Quarter Bone-In Hickory Smoked Spiral Ham
    • Quarter Boneless Hickory Smoked Spiral Ham
    • Salted Caramel Spiral Sliced Smoked Ham
      April 15th is National Spiral Ham Day.

      > Why we eat ham on Easter, below.

      > The history of ham.

      > The different cuts of ham.

      > The different types of ham: a photo glossary.

      > Ham glaze recipes.

      > Make a Rainbow Salad with leftover ham (below).

      Spiral sliced hams were created because bone-in hams are traditionally hard to slice. The slices are created with a machine at the plant or butcher, by slicing a bone-in ham in one continuous spiral. The technique leaves the ham on the bone in its original shape, but easy to remove and serve.

      A friend with a ham habit recommends a spiral sliced ham with the bone in. He likes the greater juiciness of a bone-in ham, the ham bone for further culinary use (see the next section), and the convenience of the spiral slices.

      Our mother, a purist, preferred the uneven slices and carved her own ham. So it becomes a question of aesthetics and time (and skill) to carve. If a large group of hungry people wants their ham ASAP, go for the spiral.

      A spiral ham also looks prettier standing up, with the slices fanned.

      Smithfield hams are sold fully cooked and can be heated or eaten cold or room temperature. In fact, we spent so much time last night with the courses leading up to the ham, that we ended up with room temperature ham after our baking ham had cooled. It was just as yummy.

      Spiral ham trivia: The spiral-slicing machine was patented in 1952 by Harry J. Hoenselaar, who went on to founded HoneyBaked Ham a few years later. His creation eliminated the frustration of navigating the ham bone and producing even slices.

      Here’s more on the spiral-slicing machine.

    Smithfield Honey Cured Spiral Ham
    [1] Smithfield spiral sliced ham.

    Smithfield Baked Apple Spice Spiral Ham
    [2] Smithfield spiral sliced ham, packaged (photos #1 and #2 © Smithfield Foods).

    Easter Dinner
    [3] On an Easter table (photo © Today I Found Out).

    Baked spiral ham with honey apricot glaze
    [4] Baked spiral ham with honey-apricot glaze (photo © National Pork Board).

      Except for the those marked boneless, all hams include a bone, which can be used to add smoky ham flavor to other dishes. If you don’t want to use it, ask a friend: Few good cooks will turn down a ham bone!

      You can freeze a ham bone; you can substitute a ham bone for any recipe that calls for a ham hock.

      • Freeze: If you don’t have much time to think about it, wrap the bone tightly in plastic, and plan to use it within three months.
      • Ham Stock: If you have just a little time to think about it, place the bone in a 4 or 5-quart pot with water, carrots, celery, garlic, herbs (bay leaves, parsley, thyme), onions or leeks, and 5 peppercorns (The water should cover the bone by one inch). Bring to a boil; reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 3 hours to extract the most flavor from the bone. Stock is typically left unsalted, for flexibility in recipes. When finished, discard the bone and strain out the vegetables.
      • Beans: A pot of beans or legumes of any kind (the difference), will be even more flavorful when cooked with the bone. Make a big pot of beans and enjoy them all week in different forms: baked beans, bean dip, grain bowls, green salad, sandwich spread, tacos and burritos, for starters.
      • Congee: We love Cream of Rice porridge, and breakfast on it regularly. The Chinese version is called congee, served as a savory dish with scrap bits of meat and vegetables, and sliced scallions. Find a recipe and cook up a pot. Maybe invite friends and neighbors to brunch? If so, see if you can find a Chinese sausage to add to the congee: a wonderful flavor very different from American and European sausages.
      • Greens: The classic is collards with a ham bone. If you’ve never made this delicious dish, head to the store for the collards! You can substitute kale and chard.
      • Soups & Stews: Ham bones are added to hearty, slow-cooked soups: bean soups, chowder, lentil and split pea are the most popular.

      Don’t leave a ham bone where a dog can get at it: Cooked bones can splinter and get stuck in their throats.
      More From Smithfield


      The paschal lamb or an easter ham?

      Lamb is a traditional Easter food because Jesus’ last supper was the Passover meal, which includes a ritually sacrificed lamb.

      In Europe, lamb is commonly served at Easter, based on the tradition of the Passover feast, and fitting commemoration of Jesus, the “lamb of God,” who, as a Jew, would not have eaten pork.

      So why is ham so often served at Easter?

      Convenience: Prior to modern times, salted pork would last through the winter and ham would be ready to eat at Easter, before other fresh, quality meat was available [source].

      Before refrigeration, pigs and cows were slaughtered in the fall. Since it took a fair amount of time to butcher these large animals without modern tools, the cold winter temperatures helped to keep the meat from going bad before it could be properly aged to develop their flavor [source].

      By Jewish law, the sacrificial lamb could be up to a year old. Sometimes, based on how the dates fell for Passover and Easter, spring lambs born 6 to 8 weeks earlier could be slaughtered for the holiday.



    Green Salad With Ham
    [5] Make this rainbow salad with leftover lamb (photo © Shockingly Delicious | Smithfield).

    Transform leftover ham into a colorful salad, packed with fruits, vegetables and ham chunks.

    This recipe, featured by Smithfield, is copyright Dorothy Reinhold, Shockingly Delicious.

    Ingredients For 1 Luncheon Salad

    • 1 head of bok choy
    • 1 red or reddish apple, such as Fuji*
    • 1 bunch purple grapes
    • 2 slices ham, cut into chunks or strips
    • 3 mini bell peppers or 1 large, ideally red, orange or yellow
    • 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla-infused olive oil†
    • 2 teaspoons white balsamic vinegar (substitute sherry or wine vinegar)
    • Fresh chives

    1. CHOP the bok choy into bite-sized pieces. Place in large bowl or plate.

    2. CUT the apple into quarters, removing core, and cut it into chunks to add to salad. Add grapes to salad. Cut 1-2 slices of ham into strips and add to salad. Cut mini peppers in half, removing stem and seeds. Cut into small chunks and add to salad. Add blueberries to salad.

    3. DRIZZLE the olive oil on salad, followed by the vinegar. Using a kitchen shears, snip chives in tiny pieces atop the salad.


    *You can substitute any apple you have. Fuji apples are sweet, juicy and crisp with an undertone of spice. It can be yellow-green with red highlights to mostly red in color. It is a cross between two American varieties, the Red Delicious and the Ralls Jennet, a popular breeding apple that was grown at Monticello by Thomas Jefferson. The Fuji apple was developed in Fujisaki, Japan in 1939 but wasn’t introduced to market until 1962 in Japan, and not until the 1980s in the U.S., where it has become one of the the country’s favorite apples.

    †Most of us haven’t infused a vanilla bean in olive oil—but try it! Or substitute any flavored oil you have: basil, garlic or rosemary.


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