TIP OF THE DAY: Bread Switch

Merely switching breads can make the same old, same old seem new and exciting. Instead of sandwiching your tuna, egg salad or turkey on standard whole wheat, rye or multi-grain, think about focaccia, sourdough, semolina or walnut raisin. (Yes, you can put tuna, egg salad or turkey on walnut raisin, just like you can toss…
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FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: Breakfast Banana Split

For a healthy and festive breakfast, split a ripe banana, add two or three small scoops of cottage cheese topped with different flavors of yogurt and different fresh fruits. Sprinkle with granola or cereal flakes and you have a delicious “banana split.” (It’s a variation on a yogurt parfait.) Or, try this recipe from Del…
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FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: What To Do With Toffee Crumbs

Don’t throw out those crumbs!   Today is English Toffee Day, so get yourself a box. But don’t toss out the “crumbs” at the bottom: They’re delicious on ice cream, cheesecake, yogurt or cake frosting. In fact, Enstrom’s, one of our favorite toffee makers, sells crumbs by the bag for toffee fans who find many…
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FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: Celebratory Pasta

Delight the family with a theme pasta of the month—above, snowflakes and snowmen.   Use specialty shaped pastas to have a monthly celebration dinner: snowmen in January, hearts in February, stars for Independence Day, pumpkins in October, turkeys in November, Santas in December and so forth. With this new monthly dinner tradition, select a family…
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