TIP OF THE DAY: Make Fried Pickle Chips

Serve fried pickles with a beer or a Martini. Photo courtesy ILovePickles.org.   This tip was inspired by the arrival of a gift of Vlasic Farmer’s Garden Pickles. With little room in the fridge for a large bottle of pickles, we needed to use them up right away. The solution: an end-of-the-day celebration of fried…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Date Nut Bread Day

Whew, we got Mom’s date nut bread recipe just in time for National Date Nut Bread Day, September 8th. Imagine a fruit bread loaf packed with healthful chopped dates and walnuts, sliced and spread with cream cheese (O.K., the cream cheese is less healthful). Or update the concept with soft goat cheese, Gorgonzola Dolce (a…
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RECIPE: Grilled Portabella Mushrooms With Goat Cheese & Herbed Salad

Beautiful and delicious: grilled portabella photo and recipe courtesy PomWonderful.com.   One popular mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, is known by quite a few names. But a portabella by any other name is still one of the tastiest mushrooms around (not to mention, the largest cultivated mushroom). When young, the mushroom has a closed cap and is…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Your Own Olive Mix Recipe

Whether for your own home or as a gift when you visit someone else’s, consider making an olive mix recipe. Healthful and versatile, olive mixes stay in the fridge for months, ready to grab and serve with beer, red and white wine, and martinis and other cocktails. You can also use the olives as part…
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RECIPE: Try Chocolate Raisin Panini

Chocolate panini: breakfast, snack or dessert. Photo courtesy Vosges Haut Chocoalt.   Our favorite breakfast bread is pain au chocolat. Literally “chocolate bread,” pain au chocolat is an oblong breakfast roll made of the same light, flaky, yeast-leavened laminated pastry dough as a croissant,* and filled with pieces of dark chocolate; *Pain au chocolat is…
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