TIP OF THE DAY: The ABCs Of Omega-3s

Get Omega-3s from Spaghetti alla Puttanesca. Photo by Nishi Daryuichi | Wikimedia. Omega-3 fatty acids are healthful polyunsaturated fats. Extensive research indicates that they reduce inflammation and help prevent certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis. They reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure. We pop three small capsules a day to get our…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Smokin’ Mac & Cheese

Smoke up your mac & cheese with smoked cheese and bacon. Photo courtesy MackenzieLtd.com. Add some smoke to your favorite mac & cheese recipe. Divide the total cheese in a 75:25 proportion and use 25% smoked cheese. For example, if 8 ounces of Cheddar cheese are called for, use 6 ounces of Cheddar and 2…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Take It Outside (Entertaining, That Is)

If you have a lovely deck or garden patio, you’ve got a great reason to gather up friends for anything from tea or after-work wine and cheese to a restful lunch or dinner. Since it’s springtime, for either lunch or dinner you can serve a bright, colorful and easy-to-make pasta dish that’s alive with fresh…
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APRIL FOOL’S DAY: It’s A Box Of Pasta (Or Maybe A Book)

Reminiscent of Cosmo Kramer’s coffee table book on Seinfeld,* Carla Bardi has published a book of spaghetti recipes that looks like a box of spaghetti. At first glance it seems to be a spaghetti package from a supermarket shelf. If you hand it to someone, they’ll think you’re giving them a box of spaghetti. But…
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TIP OF THE DAY: An Herb Pot Of Sage

Three varieties of sage: tricolor, pineapple sage (it smells like pineapple) and golden sage, available from WhiteflowerFram.com. Sage is a spice that most people buy during the holiday season, to season turkey, goose or duck. But it’s more than a holiday stuffing (or a sausage stuffing). Think of sage to season beans, in cheese recipes,…
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