TIP OF THE DAY: A New Look At Sardines For National Seafood Month

First, don’t turn away. You’ll find out why you should take a new look at sardines: very nutritious, very inexpensive, and in the right hands, very delicious! We all know that seafood is part of a healthy diet. For National Seafood Month, October, think of how you can add more seafood to your diet. If…
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TIP OF THE DAY: The ABCs Of Omega-3s

Get Omega-3s from Spaghetti alla Puttanesca. Photo by Nishi Daryuichi | Wikimedia. Omega-3 fatty acids are healthful polyunsaturated fats. Extensive research indicates that they reduce inflammation and help prevent certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis. They reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure. We pop three small capsules a day to get our…
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