FOOD HOLIDAY: National Vanilla Pudding Day

Vanilla pudding with a bottom layer of banana cake. Photo by Dream79 | Fotolia.   Today is National Vanilla Pudding Day. Would you believe that the creamy, sweet comfort food started out as a very different dish: a bland, white stew made with chicken or fish, plus sugar? As far back as the 12th century,…
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BOOK: Allergic Girl

Sloane Miller lives in the foodie capital of America. Yet, amid all the temptation, she’s had severe food allergies since childhood: tree nuts, salmon, eggplant and many types of fruit. After years of blogging on the topic as a food allergy advocate, Sloane has turned her challenges into a helpful book: Allergic Girl: Adventures in…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Beyond Greens, Healthy Salad Recipes

Switch a green salad for a bean salad, beet salad or hundreds of other options. (photo © Sarsmis | iStock Photo).   Salad is more than a bowl of dressed greens, served as a first course. Leafy greens make up only one of seven categories in Chef Joyce Goldstein’s book, Mediterranean Fresh: A Compendium of…
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What Are The Healthy Fats For Cooking & Eating?

One of the biggest misconceptions in making food choices is that all dietary fat is bad for you. Knowing the healthiest fats for cooking and eating makes food choice easy. There are two types of fat. Unsaturated fat is good for you (it helps lower LDL cholesterol, among other benefits). Saturated fat is bad for…
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  Bison is an incredible red meat: sweet, juicy, and very low in fat/cholesterol (lower, in fact, than skinless chicken breast and many fish—see bison nutrition information). Bison meat is available in just about every cut that beef is. After all, cattle and bison are relatives with similar builds. But it’s precisely because there’s so…
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