TIP OF THE DAY: Honey Sticks

If you like honey but are tired of cleaning up the sticky drips, try honey sticks: plastic straws filled with honey. The no-mess packaging is easy to open; the honey squeezes out with no drips. This fun and tidy way to serve honey dispenses single servings to anyone who wants some in their tea, on…
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FATHER’S DAY GIFT IDEA: Baseball Shortbread

A Fenway Park tin filled with yummybaseball shortbread. Photo courtesyCooperstown Cookie Co.   If Dad/Grandpa/Hubby likes baseball and a good shortbread cookie, there’s no better gift than the “baseball shortbread” from Cooperstown Cookie Company, located in baseball capital of Cooperstown, New York. The rich, traditional shortbread cookies are handmade in the regulation size and shape…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Mint Julep Day

While mint juleps are associated more with the recent Kentucky Derby than Memorial Day, today is National Mint Julep Day. “Julep” is a Middle English term for a sweet drink, derived sometime between 1350 and 1400 C.E. from the Arabic gulab (pronounced julab), which refers to rose petals steeped in water. The mint julep originated…
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