TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Mad Hectic Oatmeal

Mad Hectic Oatmeal is for people who don’t like a bowl of healthy oatmeal. And it’s for people who love it. Many people just don’t like plain oatmeal, although they buy into its health benefits. That’s why the best-sellers include the fruit-flavored, sugary instant oatmeals. Alas, those packets do not contain healthy food. They’re full…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: 479° Popcorn

Whether you want to pop it yourself or buy it ready-to-eat, 479° Popcorn is a treat every popcorn lover should try. Whether you like sweet or savory popcorn, there’s a gourmet flavor for you. 479° Popcorn is hand-crafted in small batches in heavy copper kettles. While still warm, the popped corn is tossed with with…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Big Papi En Fuego Gourmet Hot Sauce

One of the challenges of the food-writing profession is that, to do a really good job of it, you’ve got to taste everything straight off the spoon. Even hot sauce. Otherwise, the flavor of the bread, chicken or other food you’re using as a base gets in the way. Tasting soy sauce from the spoon…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: The Best Of 2009 ~ Part 1, Savory Foods

As is our tradition, the Top Picks of the last two weeks of the year present the best products we’ve tried during the year—everyday specialty food products that can make every day special. This week, in Part I of “The Best Of 2009,” we present in alphabetical order our favorite savory foods and beverages. You…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Sprinkles Cupcake Mix

In greater Los Angeles, home to Sprinkles Cupcakes,* there is the usual discussion board controversy. You’ll read everything from they’re “the best there is” to “avoid at all costs.” We only know Sprinkles cupcakes from their mixes. We’ve made every one, and we stand firmly with “the best there is” crowd. Maybe your homemade cupcakes…
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