Top Pick Of The Week: Built Burger ~ The Best Burger You Can Find

Notice to all restaurants that proclaim “The World’s Best Burger”: You’re wrong! The world’s best burger comes from Built Burger in Seattle. And they’ll ship to your door. It was just last year that two burger lovers in Seattle pondered how to take our beloved national dish to a new level. Yes, there are gourmet…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Part 3, Kathryn’s Cottage Salad Dressings

Little did we know when we opened the jar of Kathryn’s Cottage Blue Cheese Dressing that we would fall in love. We try every blue cheese dressing that crosses our path. Most don’t measure up. Funny: Kathryn was in the same boat, so she decided to make her own. After much experimentation, she came up…
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Top Pick Of The Week: Part 2, Effie’s Homemade Oatcakes

Perfect with tea (and almost any repast), we hope that oatcakes will become as popular as shortbread. Photo courtesy Effie’s Homemade. What’s an oatcake, and why should you be interested? It’s true: “Oatcake” doesn’t sound too beguiling. To Americans, it can sound like something you might give your horse as a treat. Neigh! As Scotland…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Part 1, Tipsy Cocktail Stirrers

This week, our Top Pick is a trio of treats. They’re not related to each other but for the fact that they’re all very special and worth seeking out. Our first product is Tipsy Cocktail Stirrers from Sable & Rosenfeld. Bloody Marys, martinis and any savory cocktail will be greatly enhanced by dressing up with…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Smoked Shrimp & Scallops From Sullivan Harbor Farm

How could it be that we have lived this many decades without the joys of smoked shrimp and scallops? Smoked fish we’ve had aplenty: black cod (sablefish), chub (carp), salmon, sturgeon, trout, whitefish. But our smoked shellfish experience has been limited to imported cans of smoked mussels and clams. We employed them in various hors…
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