TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Curdelicious Fruit Curd

Tartlets with four different flavors of Curdelicious fruit curd: An easy and very satisfying dessert. Guests will clamor for more! Photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE. Do you use fruit curd? Lemon curd is perhaps the most familiar variety, a creamy spread made with sugar, eggs and butter (in the richer recipes), flavored with…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Summer Sorbet

If you eat a lot of ice cream, try moving to lighter sorbets for the summer. The pure flavors are more in keeping with the spirit of the summer, especially if you buy artisan flavors bursting with seasonal fresh fruit. Sorbet has fewer calories, and the absence of milk or cream makes it fat-free and…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Ancient Organics Ghee

For centuries, ghee has been a cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine, the ancient Hindu art of healing and of prolonging life. Now, it’s poised to become an important ingredient to people who will never cook Indian food. What’s ghee? It’s similar to clarified butter, but the processes and end products differ somewhat. Clarified butter (or drawn…
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Top Pick Of The Week: Ruby Et Violette Cookie Dough Ice Cream

First Kiss—salted caramel ice cream—could keep someone kissing until the pint is empty. What can you say about a company that’s the only four-time honoree as a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week? More, please! And more! This week, the Top Pick Of The Week honors go to Ruby et Violette’s luxurious cookie dough ice…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Colorado Mountain Wine Jelly

If you’ve had wine jelly, it was most likely served over a brick of cream cheese with crackers—and hopefully a glass of wine or two. That’s not a bad start, but a good wine jelly is a gourmet delight that transcends cream cheese and crackers. Armed with the right serving suggestions, it’s not only a…
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