TIP OF THE DAY: Bite Outside The Box With Tuna & Salmon Bites

A new way to be creative with your food: Tuna Bites and Salmon Bites from Fresh Gourmet. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   Fresh Gourmet makes the number one brand of croutons and salad toppings in the world: from premium croutons, to tortilla strips, nuts and fruit. As we close out the year,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Key Up Some Key Limes

In addition to a new year, this season heralds the return of that delicious little citrus, Key lime. While the peak season for Key limes is June through August, they’re in stores now. There are two principal lime types in American supermarkets: the Persian or Tahitian lime, which is what Americans think of as “lime”…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Serve Blackeyed Peas For The New Year

If you’ve lived in the South, you may know the custom of eating blackeyed peas or other legumes on New Year’s Day. The dish is served for luck and prosperity in the New Year. The tradition dates back to the Civil War, when Union troops confiscated crops and livestock, leaving the population with little to…
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TIP OF THE DAY: End Big Meals With A Dessert Buffet

A dessert buffet is a great end to a big meal (photo © Agnes Csondor | iStock Photo).   Some people celebrate New Year’s Eve quietly at home, some go to parties. Others watch firecrackers or participate in midnight runs and other group activities. We ring in the New Year with a dinner party featuring…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Try A Great Fruitcake…And The Right Drink To Pair With It

December 27th is National Fruitcake Day and December is National Fruitcake Month. The most maligned food in America is not cilantro. It is fruitcake. Unlike cilantro, which delivers a consistent take-it-or-leave-it flavor, regardless of where it is grown, it is producers who have manipulated cheap ingredients and preservatives into frightful fruitcakes. But yes, Virginia, there…
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