TIP OF THE DAY & GIFT OF THE DAY: Red Ale For Christmas

What better says “Christmas” to a beer lover than a brew with crimson color? Red ale, or Irish red ale, is, as its name suggests, an ale with a slightly reddish color. The color is intentional, and results from the use of a small amount of roasted barley in the mash. If it comes from…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Substitutes For Ham Hocks

Lower cholesterol and salt by substituting smoked turkey for ham hocks (shown above). Photo courtesy CVSOP.com. Get the recipe for bean soup with ham hocks—or turkey.   There’s nothing like a ham hock to add smoky flavor to hearty soups, bean and lentil dishes, stews, greens and other winter fare. The hock is the lower…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cook With All Five Senses

Most people think that to be a good cook, you’ve got to have a good sense of taste. Of course, that’s true—but it’s just the starter. Taste. Taste is critical to make sure you have the proper balance and flavor in your dish. But you need to cook with all five senses. Sight. You also…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Candy Cane Cocktail Garnish

Here’s an easy and festive way to garnish holiday drinks: with small candy canes. Peppermint lovers can add a hint of mint to their libations. The mint flavor works with many cocktails, soft drinks, tea, coffee and hot chocolate. We hang them on a Vodka Martini, Chocolate Martini, Espresso Martini, Cosmopolitan, Irish Coffee, Mojito and…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Hot Chocolate Marshmallows

Make hot chocolate dippers. Photo courtesy Petrossian.com.   As a child, we dreamed of being locked overnight in a candy store. As a young adult, we wanted to be locked in a sushi bar. As we mature, we realize there’s only one place in the world to be locked in: Petrossian’s New York restaurant and…
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