TIP OF THE DAY: Eat More “Brain Foods”

When they’re in season, load up on delicious, low-calorie asparagus. Photo of grilled asparagus with romesco sauce* courtesy California Asparagus Commission.   Many people make New Year’s resolutions about general health and appearance: Dieting is Americans’ #1 resolution. But how about brain power? Many recent studies indicate that certain nutrients can positively affect the brain—specifically…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make A Healthy Food Resolution For The New Year

Plain Greek yogurt substitutes well for sour cream and whipped cream. Photo courtesy Salad-In-A-Jar.com, which offers a recipe for homemade Greek yogurt.   The new year means new beginnings. That’s why we have the tradition* of New Year’s resolutions: to set goals, make lifestyle changes, accomplish big projects, and so forth. Dieting is on the…
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PRODUCT: Equal Exchange Fair Trade Chocolate

Make your daily chocolate nibble fairly-traded. Photo of Equal Exchange Minis by Elvira Kalviste.   This year, we went Fair Trade for Halloween. That means that the chocolate we handed out was ethically produced. While you won’t see many articles about it, cacao is an agricultural product that uses child slave labor in the fields.…
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HALLOWEEN: Gnosis Raw Organic Chocolate

You’ve heard that chocolate is good for you, but those claims leave out two key points: Many of the flavanoids, the healthy antioxidants in cacao beans, are cooked out of the beans during the roasting process. Chocolate contains lots of refined sugar—milk chocolate and white chocolate have the most sugar, bittersweet chocolate (70% cacao or…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Nonfat Mashed Potatoes Recipe

[1] If you want your mashed potatoes laden with butter, cream and sour cream, here’s a recipe from Williams Sonoma (photo © Williams Sonoma. [2] Fat-free Greek yogurt replaces the butter and sour cream (photo © FAGE Greek Yogurt).   Lovers of mashed potatoes have to be cholesterol-hearty: There’s lots of saturated fat-laden butter, cream,…
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