HALLOWEEN: Gnosis Raw Organic Chocolate | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures HALLOWEEN: Gnosis Raw Organic Chocolate | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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HALLOWEEN: Gnosis Raw Organic Chocolate

You’ve heard that chocolate is good for you, but those claims leave out two key points:

  • Many of the flavanoids, the healthy antioxidants in cacao beans, are cooked out of the beans during the roasting process.
  • Chocolate contains lots of refined sugar—milk chocolate and white chocolate have the most sugar, bittersweet chocolate (70% cacao or higher) the least.
    If you want to try a healthier chocolate, check out Gnosis Chocolate (gnosis is the Greek word for knowledge).

    Gnosis celebrates “the origins of cacao, the well-being of our society, and Earth’s natural majesty.” This specialty line:

  • Is made from raw cacao, which keeps those healthful antioxidants
  • Uses low-glycemic sweeteners, such as agave and coconut palm sugar (more about the glycemic index)
  • Uses ingredients that are ethically sourced and organic wherever possible
    Healthier chocolate for Halloween. Photo courtesy Gnosis Chocolate.

    The bars are available plain or flavored with popular herbs and spices (chili, coconut-almond, hazelnut, mint, sea salt) as well as nutrient-dense superfoods (cashew-fig, cinnamon-goji, pomegranate-açaí).

    Some bars have holistic and ayurvedic ingredients rarely found in chocolate: camomile essential oil, chaste berry, dong quai, evening primrose oil, goldenberry, Inca berry, hemp seed, mulberry, yumberry, schizandra berry, shatvari, Sunwarrior Protein Powder (vegan) and valerian.

    In addition to chocolate bars, Gnossis makes truffles, hot chocolate and trail mix.

    The products are certified kosher, organic and vegan and are free of soy, gluten, and dairy. The bars are wrapped in PCW* recycled, biodegradable packaging printed with vegetable inks.

    Gnosis was founded by Vanessa Barg, a board certified holistic health counselor, who began making chocolate in 2006 as gifts for her clients. In her search for raw, unadulterated cacao, she studied the beans, working on cacao farms and processing beans from the pod. She personally visits the sources and works with growers to assure bean quality and working conditions and to support the growth of organic farming.

    Learn more and shop online at GnosisChocolate.com.

    *Post consumer waste.


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