HOLIDAY: Cereal Donuts For National Cereal Day

[1] and [2] Cereal-topped donuts and milk from Show Me The Yummy. [3] and [4] Lactaid for everyone! (photo courtesy Lactaid).   March 7th is National Cereal Day, and here’s the big question: Do you drink the leftover milk in your cereal bowl? According to a survey by Wakefield Research*, 74% of Americans frequently drink…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Coconut Milk & The Different Types Of Soups

Twenty-five years ago, people who needed an alternative to dairy milk turned to soy milk. Then rice milk arrived. Today there’s quite a selection of non-dairy milks: almond, cashew, coconut, flax, hemp, oat, rice and soy. Since 1999, according to market research firm Euromonitor, plant-based alternatives milks have grown in annual sales by an average…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Lactaid Ice Cream

July is National Ice Cream Month, a time for celebration among ice cream lovers. But not for every one of us. According to research studies, 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant. Some have been that way since childhood; some lose the ability to digest lactose as adults. Says, “The condition is so…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Chermoula Sauce

Last night at a nine-course feast at the home of our wine editor, we were served a dish of scallops, sautéed greens and a hearty topping of freshly-made pesto. A conversation ensued among the nut-averse and lactose-intolerant in attendance, that they didn’t use pesto because of the cheese or the nuts. There’s an easy alternative:…
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PRODUCT: Challenge Lactose Free Butter

A delicious butter spread that’s lactose free! Photo courtesy Challenge Dairy.   An estimated 30 to 50 million Americans have lactose intolerance, a condition wherein individuals naturally lose the ability to digest lactose—the natural sugar component of milk—as they grow into adulthood. In some of the world’s populations, the condition begins in childhood, after weaning.…
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