TIP OF THE DAY: Bunless Burgers

Most store-bought burger rolls are pretty blah: a form of white bread used to hold the burger. Earlier, we suggested 25+ alternatives to the burger bun, from baguette to brioche to pretzel roll. Even when the roll is special, it begs the question: Does the bread serve any purpose other than enabling utensil-free eating? We…
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PRODUCTS: 5 More Favorite Specialty Foods

Another batch of favorites from THE NIBBLE. What makes it a favorite? We would buy it again…and again. In alphabetical order, we recommend: 1. LOVE THE WILD: FROZEN FISH FILLET ENTRÉES Only one in five Americans meet the USDA recommendation for fish intake, a vital high protein dietary component that’s high in protein and healthy…
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It’s International Hummus Day: Try A New Brand Like Hope Foods

[1] Black Garlic, one of 11 delicious flavors of Hope Hummus (photos #1 and #3 © Hope Foods). [2] One of our favorite ways to serve hummus: topped with salad ingredients and, as a lunch dish, with a hard-boied egg (photo © Shaya Restaurant | NOLA). [3] Woo hoo, Hope Foods’ chocolate hummus, shown here…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Olive Oil Polenta Cake

We have advocated olive oil cake before. But this is a variation with polenta (cornmeal) instead of white flour. Olive oil cake is a standard in some parts of Italy, substituting olive oil for butter as the fat. So is polenta cake, with a hearty crumb. Both are rustic, uniced cakes. When we first tried…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cook Sorghum For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

When we first saw the word sorghum, it was as a tween, in the reading of “Gone With The Wind.” There was no sugar available in the blockaded, war-torn South, so Scarlett O’Hara sweetened her coffee substitute, chicory, with sorghum syrup, a molasses substitute. For decades, we thought of sorghum as a sweetener. After all,…
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