TIP OF THE DAY: Hot Chocolate From Scratch

Delicious Moonstruck chocolate bars melted into milk for hot chocolate. Photo courtesy Moonstruck.   It’s below zero in quite a few areas of the country today. As we write this, in Fargo it’s 2°F, with the wind chill making it feel like -18°. In our own municipality, New York City, it’s 14°F, with a wind…
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PRODUCT: Belvoir Non-Alcoholic Cordials

Individual-size bottles of Belvoir Elderflower Cordial and Elderflower & Rose Lemonade. Photo courtesy Belvoir Fruit Farms.   Instead of a Valentine mocktail, head straight to the delicious nonalcoholic cordials from Belvoir. While Americans use the word as a synonym for fruit liqueur, in the U.K. a cordial is a carbonated, fruit-flavored soft drink. Belvoir Fruit…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Bai 5 Low Calorie, High Antioxidant Drink

Bai 5 is a new addition to the “healthy drink alternatives” category, and certainly worth checking out if you’re looking for a better beverage choice. It has just five calories and one gram of sugar per serving*, and it’s packed with antioxidants. It’s also packed with lots of natural flavor. Unlike so many low-calorie drinks,…
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Back in 2006, we reviewed a wonderful product called Sundia Watermelon Juice. It was celestial, tasting like fresh-squeezed watermelon. Alas, the company discontinued the product, and it took until 2014 for another commercial brand to come our way. World Waters debuted its WTRMLN WTR (someone’s idea—not ours—of a clever way to spell “Watermelon Water”). The…
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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Make Cream From Milk

No cream? No problem! Make it from milk and butter. Photo courtesy Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.   Here’s a fun kitchen trick. Say you need some heavy cream for a recipe (or even a cup of coffee), but have none. If you have whole milk and unsalted butter, you can combine them to make cream.…
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