TIP OF THE DAY: Shichimi Togarashi

Many Americans like to shake hot sauce on their food. But what about hot spices? In addition to black pepper and chile flakes, there’s shichimi togarashi (she-CHEE-me toe-gah-RAH-she—photo #1). Known simply as shichimi in Japan, it’s a seven-ingredient spice blend (shichi is “seven” in Japanese, togarashi is red pepper). The spice blend dates at least…
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FOOD FUN: Burns Night Cookies

[1] Gingerbread men are not just for Christmas. Dress them up for other occasions, like Burns Night (photo courtesy Fancy Flours). [2] Find a cartoon kilt online and print out copies for your cookies (photo courtesy Getty Images).   Burns Night is celebrated on January 25th in Scotland—and elsewhere by those of us who love…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Texas Wines

Recently we attended a tasting of Texas wines from 14 wineries, held in New York City. If you’re not familiar with Texas wines, it’s because the residents of Texas buy up much of the production, leaving little to distribute elsewhere (check on Wine.com and other online etailers). Production from this relatively new wine area has…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Raclette

[1] Scraping melted raclette cheese onto the plate (photo courtesy Zuercher Cheese | Tumbler). [2] A cheese melter, used in restaurants and in homes of enthusiasts (available at Raclette Corner). [3] A home raclette grill from Swissmar, available on Amazon and elsewhere. [4] Pouring cheese from a Swissmar grill pan (photo courtesy Swissmar). [5] A…
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FOOD FUN: Quick Caramel Apples & Pears

Why wait for next fall, when caramel apples are a well-deserved winter comfort food? We love caramel apples, so we didn’t hesitate to adapt this recipe (photo #1) from Produce For Kids, switching the pears for crunchy apples and using warm caramel. There are two ways to enjoy this recipe: our way, with warm, drippy…
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