TIP OF THE DAY: Heirloom Tomato Salads: Russian-Style & Mediterranean-Style

Today’s tip showcases luscious summer heirloom tomatoes in two salads. Both are European-inspired, both are made without lettuce or other leafy greens.     RECIPE #1: RUSSIAN TOMATO & CUCUMBER SALAD Our Russian grandmother used a lot of sour cream, dill and scallions: as salad dressing, in borscht, on boiled potatoes and as a general…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Make Some Strudel For National Strudel Day

June 17th is National Strudel Day. While most people tend to think “apple strudel,” strudels can be sweet or savory. While seasonal fruits are popular fillings, some sweet strudels are fruit-free, filled instead with soft, sweetened cheese (quark), poppy seeds, or nuts. Savory strudels are filled with cheeses, meats, seafood, or vegetables. We have some…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Crescent Rings, Savory Or Sweet

People love crescent rings. The taco crescent ring is one of the most popular recipes of all time on Pillsbury.com. Crescent rings, stuffed crescent dough arranged in a circle, can be served: Stuffed with eggs and sausage for breakfast. As a “danish” ring for breakfast and coffee breaks. Instead of sandwiches at lunch. With beer,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Spring Asparagus & 20 Recipes

[1] Spring asparagus can be served at every meal of the day (photo courtesy Good Eggs). [2] Growing asparagus. It’s very labor intensive and back-breaking: The spears need to be cut by hand (photo courtesy Australian Asparagus Council). [3] Simple but elegant: a grilled rack of asparagus (photo courtesy California Asparagus Commission).   In the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Breakfast Pizza

Flavor & The Menu, a magazine and website for chefs that reports on food trends, has recommended a new one: breakfast pizza. You may have encountered breakfast pizza, but it’s far from ubiquitous. “The explosive growth of fast casual [dining] has helped elevate pizza to new heights and has kept this exciting category on fire,”…
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