HALLOWEEN: Gnosis Raw Organic Chocolate

You’ve heard that chocolate is good for you, but those claims leave out two key points: Many of the flavanoids, the healthy antioxidants in cacao beans, are cooked out of the beans during the roasting process. Chocolate contains lots of refined sugar—milk chocolate and white chocolate have the most sugar, bittersweet chocolate (70% cacao or…
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PRODUCT: Wallaby Organic Greek Yogurt

One of 5 varieties of organic Greek yogurt. Photo courtesy Wallaby.   Wallaby Yogurt Company, a family-owned producer of organic yogurt, has launched its first line of organic Greek yogurts. Greek yogurt—properly called Greek-style yogurt when made outside of Greece—is typically triple-strained, removing much of the water to create a very thick texture. Wallaby, based…
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If you love peanut butter, you may have the same reaction we do when we hear of someone with a peanut allergy: “I’m so sorry.” Those who know the joys of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or peanut butter cups empathize with those who can’t have them. But everyone can have sunflower butter! Sunflower…
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PRODUCT: Lychee White Tea

Fragrant and luscious, this tasty teaneeds no added sugar. Photo courtesyChoice Organic Tea.   The lychee (pronounced LIE-chee, not LEE-chee, after the Chinese lai chi) is one of the most popular fruits in Southern China. The evergreen grows wild in southern China, northern Vietnam and Cambodia, although there is evidence that it has been cultivated…
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PRODUCT: Lactose-Free Yogurt, Kefir & Sour Cream

There’s a plethora of lactose-free milk options in supermarkets, since more and more Americans are being diagnosed with lactose intolerance. (If you have digestive upsets after consuming milk products, take this quiz, then see your healthcare provider.) But what about yogurt, kefir and sour cream? Conventional supermarkets don’t carry lactose-free versions. Fortunately, natural food stores…
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