PRODUCT: Lychee White Tea

Fragrant and luscious, this tasty teaneeds no added sugar. Photo courtesyChoice Organic Tea.   The lychee (pronounced LIE-chee, not LEE-chee, after the Chinese lai chi) is one of the most popular fruits in Southern China. The evergreen grows wild in southern China, northern Vietnam and Cambodia, although there is evidence that it has been cultivated…
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NEWS: Inko’s White Bottled Tea In NYC School System

Five of Inko’s 11 bottled flavors. Photo courtesy Inko’s. For those of you with an idea for the next great bottled beverage, be forewarned: No matter how brilliant your idea is, there’s the marketing conundrum. It’s very, very hard to get your products on the shelf of major retailers. And you probably can’t make a…
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