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FOOD FUN: Schnapsicles, Ice Pops With Liqueur, Spirits & Wine

Last summer, we extolled the fun of Rainbow Sangria, with a rainbow of fruit ice cubes.

Today, it’s Schnapsicles: ice pops with wine and schnaps (see below).

If you’re in the D.C. area, you can head to Stable D.C.’s Swiss-American restaurant for some Schnapsicles.

Executive Chef David Fritsche adds fun to his menu with ice pops that bring out the kid in us all—except that these are specifically for adults.

He combines fruit purée, wine and schnaps in a selection of vibrant flavors. You can have:

  • The Original (photo #1)
  • A Schnapsicle Spritz (photo #2): a Schnapsicle in a glass of sparkling rosé.
    Chef Fritsche uses disposable ice pop bags, but you can use ice pop molds or whatever you have.

    Schnapsicles are available for a limited time only, but you can make a version at home anytime.

    Use a conventional ice pop mold, or ice sticks like these, made with Frozip Ice Pop Bags.

    1. PURÉE your fruit(s) of choice. Combine with a matching schnaps and red or white wine (including sweet/dessert wine), depending on the color of the fruit.

    2. TEST-BLEND the pureé plus one tablespoon each of wine and schnaps per pop mold or bag.

  • Based on the proof of the spirit and the volume of the pop mold, at a certain percentage of alcohol, the pop won’t freeze. If you experiment in a Frozip or ice pop mold, you’ll at least have a slush!
  • Wine is about 12% to 14% alcohol by volume or A.B.V. (depending on grape variety, heat of season, etc.). Liqueurs range from about 15% to 30% alcohol by volume.
  • You double the A.B.V. to get the proof. The lower the proof, the better the Schnapsicle freezes.
    3. COMPLETE the batch with your favorite proportions.


  • Brandy is a liquor produced by distilling wine. It generally contains 35–60% A.B.V. (70% to 120% proof). In the U.S., is typically consumed as an after-dinner digestif, although there are also cocktails made with brandy,
  • Schnaps/schnapps, a generic German word for liquor or any alcoholic beverage, is more specific in English, where it refers to clear brandies distilled from fermented fruits (as opposed to wine, with brandy). The English added a second “p,” spelling the word as schnapps.
  • True schnaps has no sugar added, but products sold in the U.S. as schnapps may indeed be sweetened.
  • As one expert commented, “German Schnaps is to American schnapps as German beer is to American Budweiser.”
  • Eau de vie is the French term for Schnaps. American-made brands labeled eau de vie (“water of life”) are often heavily sweetened, and have added glycerine for thickening.
  • Liqueur is an already distilled alcohol made from grain which has already been fermented, into which fruits are steeped. It is sweeter and more syrupy than a European eau de vie or schnapps.
  • Cordial, in the U.S., almost always refers to a syrupy, sweet alcoholic beverage, a synonym for liqueur.
  • In the U.K., it refers to a non-alcoholic, sweet, syrupy drink or the syrup used to make such a drink. Rose’s Lime Cordial, a British brand, is called Rose’s Lime Juice in the U.S. so Americans don’t think it’s alcoholic.

    [1] Schnapsicles: frozen fruit ice with wine and schnaps.

    Schnapsicle Cocktail
    [2] A Schnapsicle Spritz, with a glass of sparkling rosé and a raspberry garnish (photos #1 and #2 © Stable D.C.).

    Grand Marnier
    [3] Grand Marnier is one of our favorite schnapsicles (photo © Grand Marnier).


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    TIP OF THE DAY: How To Eat More Vegetables? Grill Them On Skewers!

    If you have vegetable-resistant family members, here’s an easy way to make eating veggies fun: Put them on skewers.

    Food on a stick is always a palate pleaser.

    Get the 10″ skewers to add more veggies. Bamboo skewers are inexpensive—here are 100 thick ones for $7.55.

    Soak them for at least 20 minutes in warm water, to make them less flammable.

    You can even reuse bamboo skewers with simple washing, if they aren’t too charred. The thicker the stick, the less likely the charring.

    A fun tip: soak the skewers in wine or juice to add an extra touch of flavor. It’s a good use for that forgotten half-bottle of wine in the back of the fridge.

    To prod resistant vegetable eaters, add a dip on the side:

  • Dijon vinaigrette
  • Seasoned yogurt dip (curry, garlic, etc.)
  • Other favorite

    Go for a mix color and eye appeal.

    You can thread different veggies on a skewer, or make single-veggie skewers as in photo #1.

    That way, if someone truly won’t eat tomatoes or mushrooms, for example, they won’t be wasted.

    Consider these ingredients:

    Ingredients For Skewers

  • Baby beets
  • Button mushrooms*
  • Bell peppers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Optional fun: cantaloupe, peaches pineapple†
  • Red onion quarters or wedges, scallion tips‡, whole shallots
  • Zucchini and yellow squash
  • Seasoned olive oil for basting (salt, pepper, basil, oregano) with optional balsamic vinegar

    1. SOAK the skewers and lightly oil the grate. Preheat the grill to medium heat.

    2. THREAD the vegetables. Alternately thread zucchini slices, yellow squash slices, mushrooms, onion, tomatoes, pineapple, and bell pepper onto the skewers.

    3. WHISK the olive oil, balsamic and seasonings, and brush over the vegetables.

    4. GRILL the skewers until vegetables are tender, occasionally turning and basting with the olive oil, 10 to 15 minutes.

    *Mushrooms don’t add color, so whole small mushrooms have more eye appeal than pieces of larger mushrooms.

    †Bananas are delicious here, but they get softer, quicker.

    ‡Save the rest of the green shoots for omelets, salads, etc.


    [1] Serve vegetable skewers with grilled fish, steak or other protein (photo © Sun Basket).

    [2] Summer squash is a favorite for grilling (photo © Good Eggs).

    [3] Look for cherry tomatoes in mixed colors (photo © Love Food Art | Pexels).



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    FOOD FUN: Limburger Cheese & Other Washed Rind Cheeses

    [1] Limburger, a washed-rind cow’s milk cheese, has a pungent aroma but is mild on the palate. You can get it from Chalet Cheese Cooperative (photo © The Wisconsin Cheeseman).

    [2] While many fans enjoy a limburger sandwich, it is also popular as a table cheese with beer and pretzels (photo © America’s Dairyland | Facebook).

    [3] Époisses, the world’s stinkiest (and delicious) cheese, is made in the Burgundy region of France. It’s available at DiBruno Bros (photo © DiBruno Bros).

    [4] Taleggio, a DOP cheese from Italy, is washed with seawater. Get it at iGourmet (photos #4 and #5 © iGourmet).

    [5] A taleggio made in Italy from buffalo milk instead of the standard cow’s milk. Get it at iGourmet (photo © iGourmet).

    [6] Livarot, made in Normandy, is washed in brine with some annatto added for color (photo © Artisanal Cheese).

    [7] Pont-l’Évêque cheese is made in the Calvados département of Normandy. It is probably the oldest Norman cheese still in production (photo © Isigny Sainte-Mère | Amazon).

    [8] Robiola di bosco is a cow’s milk washed-rind cheese from the Lombardy region of Italy. It’s similar to taleggio, though more intense (photo © Forever Cheese).

    [9] Eligo, a goat’s milk washed-rind cheese newly created by Jasper Hill Farm. Get it here (photos #6 and #7 © Jasper Hill Farm).

    [10] Here’s what unaged Eligo cheese looks like, ready to be washed and aged.


    Limburger: It’s a soft cow’s milk cheese, a washed rind cheese with a pungent aroma that has been the butt of jokes for decades.

    The Wisconsin Cheeseman calls it “Limburger: The Cheese That Nose No Equal.”

    Infamous for its alleged “stinky feet” aroma, the cheese gets a bad rap. The aroma is more earthy in character.

    The paste (the cheese under the rind) has a creamy texture and a buttery, mild flavor.

    Don’t pass buy the opportunity to taste it.

    In 2019, People Magazine named the Limburger Sandwich at Baumgartner’s Cheese Tavern the best sandwich in Wisconsin [source].

    You can make your own version with the ingredients listed below.

    Full disclosure: We love washed-rind cheeses.

    Washed rind cheeses are very aromatic. And they’re popular!

    Beyond the European cheeses from Austria, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, there are dozens of artisan limburgers made in the U.S. alone. Just search for “washed rind cheese” on the Murray’s Cheese website. Cheese connoisseurs want them.

    We know that most Americans prefer a more bland type of aroma and taste.

    Trust us: Limburger’s aroma and flavor pale in comparison to those of truly pungent washed-rind cheeses, like Époisses (ay-PWAZ), from the Burgundy region of France, and Stinky Bishop, made in Gloucestershire, in western England.

  • Époisses is the most armoma-infamous of the washed rind group. It is washed in brandy-washed, and is a French classic (photo #3).
  • Other washed ring examples include Livarot, Morbier, Munster (German, not American), Pont L’Eveque, Prattigau, Raclette, Saint Nectaire and Taleggio.
  • Two of our favorite American washed rind cheeses are Red Hawk from Cowgirl Creamery in Marin County, California, and Eligo from Jasper Hill Farms in Vermont.
  • Brick cheese from Wisconsin is also a washed rind, washed in whey and water. As a result, the aroma is more mild than other washed rinds.
    Whether from Europe or the U.S., we can’t get enough.

    So here’s an idea:

    If you think you might love them too, gather three or more types, a lot of good beer, and have a stinky cheese tasting (call it a washed rind cheese tasting if your crowd is more elegant).

    Use the opportunity to taste different types of beer with them: lager, IPA, porter and stout, for example.

    If you can find them, include some brett beers and sour beers.

    Add bread (pumpernickel, raisin, rye—we like them toasted), cured meats, apples and pears, grapes, hazelnuts or marcona almonds, and dried fruits including raisins or sultanas (golden raisins).

    Add some crisp white wines for the non-beer drinkers, and you’ve got a party!

    Just don’t party outside in hot weather: The aroma attracts mosquitoes!

    Note: Don’t worry about white or blue mold on the cheese: It’s often part of longer-aged washed rind cheeses.

    Sandwich Tip:

    Limburger sandwiches are the most popular way to eat limburger cheese.

    Our father’s parents, who came from the “old country,” ate limburger on pumpernickel with raw red onion, often adding lettuce and tomato.

    Our mother, a foodie, caramelized the onions and used brown mustard mixed with horseradish for her sandwich.

    But Dad remained old-school, preferring raw red or yellow onions. (He chewed on parsley afterwards.)

  • These days if you want raw onions, you may want to substitute a sweet onion.
  • To add a touch of sweetness to the strong flavors, consider a sweet gherkin or two, which our parents and grandparents often served in a snack of limburger, hard-boiled eggs, crackers and pimento-stuffed olives.
  • Make a spread by mixing 8 ounces each of limburger and cream cheese (both at room temperature) with 1 tablespoon of garlic powder (more if desired) and 2 tablespoons of room temperature butter. Optionally add minced chives and/or parsley.

    Known for their powerful aromas, washed rind cheeses are surface-ripened by washing and brushing the cheese throughout the ripening/aging process.

    These processes cause the cheeses to age more rapidly. They are ripened from the outside in, instead of from the inside out, because the washing liquid helps to break down the proteins and fats inside.

    Washed rind cheeses also are called red surface bacteria cheeses. Some rinds are indeed reddish or orange, although the colors of a particular cheese can range beyond those, from light pink to brown.

    Washing is also called brushing and smearing. Different techniques for washing include bathing, where the cheese is dunked into the liquid, or spraying the liquid onto the cheese.

    The rind color is from the bacteria Brevibacterium linens, abbreviated B. linens, which covers the cheese. But the color also can be enhanced with annatto.

    But more than the color, B. linens impacts the flavor and acidity of the cheese, and creates a bolder tang and aroma. It’s due to sulfur-containing compounds known as S-methyl thioesters.

    The washing agent can be beer, brandy, brine, seawater, whey, wine, a mixture of these ingredients, or any other interesting liquid that will impart flavor and create a different chemical balance for the growth of the bacteria.


    While cheesemaking goes back thousands of years, the oldest-known cheese that is still made today is gorgonzola, in 879 C.E. (here are more oldies).

    Limburger is a relative newcomer.

    First made in the early 1800s in the Limburg region of Belgium, by 1830 it was so popular that cheesemakers in the Allgäu region of Germany began making their own.

    Limburger originated in the Duchy of Limburg, now in the French-speaking Belgian province of Liège.

    It was first made by Trappist monks near the city of Liège. It no doubt went well with the great Trappist beers they brewed.

    In Belgium, it is called fromage de Herve cheese, since it originated in the Herve area of the historical Duchy.

    The cheese became popular and was soon produced across Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands.

    Like other stinky cheeses (the washed rind cheese group), people either love it or hate it.

    The longer the cheeses are left to ripen, the stronger the aroma, which is the inspiration behind the phrase, “It is not cheese that smells of feet, it is feet that smell of cheese.”

    If the cheese has little aroma, it is not ripe.

    Most of the washed rind cheeses will ripen into soft, pungent cheeses. After 3 months of aging the cheese becomes spreadable. There are a few that ripen into semi-hard cheeses.

    Today, most of the Europe’s Limburger is made in Germany.

    Commercial cheese-making in the U.S. began in Green County, Wisconsin around 1840, when Swiss immigrants with cheese-making skills began to arrive in the area. (Today, Wisconsin is the country’s largest-volume cheese-producing state.)

    Limburger was first produced there in 1867, in the city of Monroe.

    Cheese maker Rudolph Benkerts, considered Wisconsin’s first cheesemaker, used milk from his flock of cows (here’s more about it).

    It must have been a crowd pleaser, because a few years later, 25 factories in Green County were producing limburger.

    By 1930, more than a hundred companies were producing it [source 1, source 2].

    In this epicenter of America’s swiss-style cheesemaking, limburger outpaced swiss cheese in annual production by the 1920s.

    Beyond Wisconsin, the German-speaking populations of Cincinnati and New York, among others, were big limburger consumers.

    A limburger sandwich with raw onions and mustard was a favorite workingman’s lunch: cheap and washed down with a glass of beer.

    Apparently it was nearly unthinkable to eat limburger without a beer. The arrival of Prohibition began to curtail production in most American cheese factories [source].

    As opposed to the 1920s and 1930s, when the production of limburger exceeded swiss cheese in Wisconsin, thanks to the large German and Swiss populations,

    Today, the only U.S. limburger producer is the Chalet Cheese Cooperative (in Monroe, Wisconsin).

    You can buy blocks of limburger cheese, and limburger cheese spread, directly from them.

    Limburger is also manufactured in Canada by the Oak Grove Cheese Company in New Hamburg, Ontario.

    *Époisses, a “barnyardy”-smelling cheese style, was developed in the early 16th century by French Cistercian monks at L’Abbaye de Citeaux, outside the village of Époisses in Burgundy. One of the cheese-making monks discovered that brushing the rind of a young cheese with brandy encouraged the growth of orange bacteria (B. linens), which added body and aroma to the cheese. The cheese came to be called Époisses de Bourgogne, Époisses for short. It became very popular, although today, when people are more concerned with odors, it is illegal to carry an Époisses on the public railways. (Similarly, it is illegal to carry an Asian durian fruit on an airline).



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    PRODUCT: No Spill, No Bugs Drink Cover

    Necessity is the mother of invention, said Plato*.

    We’re thrilled that Gosili, a producer of reusable silicone cups, lids, sandwich bags, straws and more, added this item to their drinkware line:

    The Universal Straw Lid, a silicon top with a straw, that stretches over any drinkware top and creates a spill-proof, bug-proof seal.

    From everyday cups, glasses, travel mugs, tumblers and wine glasses to brandy snifters and mason jars, we finally have a solution to:

  • Al fresco dining (we hate bugs swarming our food and drink).
  • Having a drink on the sofa, in bed, at the pool or in a car (we’re a champion spiller).
    One size fits all; the silicone top, made from 100% European-grade silicone, creates a virtually spill resistant seal.

    The tops are easy to wash, go into the dishwasher, and can boiled if you want to sterilize them.

    And it’s easily portable: Both the top and the straw fold up into the travel case (as small as an Altoids box—photo #2).

    Environmentally friendly, the lids are available in two colors, Cobalt and Mint, for $6.50.

    Ready to put a lid on it?

    Get your Universal Straw Lid at


    *Plato allegedly wrote, Mater artium necessitas: The mother of invention is necessity. But scholars say that this is a mis-attribution, and the actual author is not known.


    [1] Just a sample of drinkware that create a secure, spill-proof lid (both photos © GoSili).

    [2] The flexible components fold into a pocket-size travel case.



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    RECIPE: Blueberry Focaccia For National Blueberry Month

    [1] Blueberry focaccia. The recipe is below (photo © King Arthur Flour).

    [2] Focaccia with kalamata olives. Here’s the recipe (photo © DeLallo).

    [3] Earlier recipes had simple toppings: herbs like rosemary or sage, salt and olive oil. Here’s the recipe from (photos #3 and #4 © King Arthur Flour).

    [4] Focaccia can be baked in a round or rectangular pan. Here’s a recipe for gluten-free focaccia (photo © King Arthur Flour).

    [5] Here’s what a creative baker does with plain focaccia. Here’s the recipe from Sugar Geek Show (photos #5 and #6 © Sugar Geek Show).

    [6] Edible art from Sugar Geek Show.

    [7] Double zero flour, called doppio zero in Italian, is the finest texture. You can order it from DeLallo (photo © DeLallo).


    Focaccia (foe-KAH-cha) is an Italian yeast bread, baked in a flat or round pan. It is one of the most popular breads in Italy.

    A bit of history: In the old days before the availability of baking pans, yeast-risen breads and cakes were patted into rounds and baked on hearthstones or griddles. By the 17th century, hoops made of metal or wood were placed on flat pans to shape breads and cakes.

    In the 17th century, cookware developed so that the European kitchen contained a number of skillets, baking pans, a kettle and several pots, along with a variety of pot hooks to hold the cookware over the fire, and trivets to place the hot cookware when removed from the fire.

    The recipe for blueberry focaccia, and the history of focaccia, are below.

    Here’s the history of pizza.

    Focaccia is a cousin to pizza. In Italy it is eaten as a snack, but not used as a sandwich bread, as is often done in the U.S.

    Focaccia—plain or with very light toppings—is some 2000 years older than pizza. The latter has a heavy sauce and robust toppings.

    Focaccia Vs. Pizza: The Difference

    Focaccia made with the same ingredients as pizza crust, including finely-ground 00 flour (photo #7), yeast and olive oil.

  • The main difference between focaccia dough and pizza dough is that pizza dough uses very little leavening (yeast).
  • As a result, pizza has a thin, flat and flexible crust, while the higher amount of leavening in focaccia causes the dough to rise significantly higher.
  • Focaccia toppings are much lighter. The basic topping is simply olive oil and coarse sea salt; herbs and garlic are a popular addition (rosemary is a classic, followed by sage).
  • Some cooks add caramelized onions, olives, parmesan or other cheese, pancetta or prosciutto, pesto, sesame seeds, and/or tomatoes.
  • Sweet toppings are also used in Italy, in recipes containing anise, eggs, honey, lemon or orange peel, raisins, and sugar.
    Authentic focaccia can be served:

  • With more substantial toppings for lunch (cheese, prosciutto, tomatoes). In Italy, is can be served with cooked vegetables or a salad.
  • As a table bread. If you want to use it as sandwich bread, no Focaccia Police will knock at your door.
  • With antipasto.
  • As a cocktail nibble or a munchie with a midday glass of wine (cut the focaccia into smaller squares or fingers for cocktail nibbles)
    Fruit focaccia, the recipe below, is an evolution of authentic focaccia. It’s a treat for snacking or for brunch.


    Focaccia should be served warm. To reheat it, use the oven.

    Don’t microwave it, because as the focaccia cools it will become very hard.

    You can freeze focaccia, ideally cut into slices; then thaw it on the counter. Reheat it on a baking sheet in a preheated 375°F oven, until it is hot and crispy.

    While focaccia was a savory bread for thousands of years, cooks have been more recently turning it into a fruit bread or snack, like this recipe.

    See the photos for links to savory focaccia recipes.

    Either savory or sweet, enjoy fruit focaccia as a side of bread with soup or salad, with dinner or a fresh cheese or soft cheese (we like it with goat cheese or mascarpone); or as a snack with iced tea or wine.

    This easy recipe (photo #1), which we share during National Blueberry Month, can be made anytime. Have it for weekend brunch with a side of mascarpone cheese.

    You can substitute other berries, even cherries.


    For The Dough

  • 1-1/3 cups warm water (110°F)
  • 2-1/2 teaspoons (1 package) active dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus more for greasing
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 3-1/2 cups Italian Type 00 Flour*, divided, plus additional for hands
    For The Topping

  • 1 tablespoon DeLallo Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (or frozen and thawed)
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar†
  • Honey, for drizzling

    1. PLACE the warm water in a large mixer bowl. Sprinkle the yeast on top. Add the olive oil and mix until incorporated.

    2. MIX in the salt and 2 cups of the flour on a low speed, until combined. Switch out the flat beater on the mixer for a dough hook, and add the remaining 1-1/2 cups flour. Knead on low speed for 3 minutes, until smooth.

    3. TURN the dough out into a large bowl coated with nonstick spray. Cover with plastic and let the dough rise in a warm place until doubled, about 90 minutes.

    4. LINE a large rimmed baking sheet or half-sheet pan (18″ x 13″ half-sheet pan) lined with parchment. Brush the parchment with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and scrape the dough out onto the parchment.

    5. FLOUR your hands generously and pat out the dough into an even rectangle. Let it rise until puffed, about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400°F.

    6. BRUSH the dough with olive oil. Press the top of the dough all over with your fingertips or an implement, to create small dimples. Gently press the blueberries into the dimples and elsewhere in the dough. Sprinkle the dough evenly with the sugar and thyme. Allow it to rest for 15 minutes.

    7. BAKE the focaccia for 35 minutes, until golden brown. Let it cool in the pan on a wire rack for at least 15 minutes before serving. Serve topped with turbinado sugar and a drizzle of honey.


    Focaccia, topped with olive oil and spices, has been around since antiquity. As previously noted, it is some 2,000 years older than its “descendant,” modern pizza [source].

    Many historians place it well before the Roman Empire was formed (27 B.C.E.), created either by the Etruscans of what is now North Central Italy, or by the Ancient Greeks.

    By the second century B.C.E. (also before the Roman Empire), focaccia also was made by the Carthaginians and Phoenicians, with grains such as barley, millet, and rye [source].

    The grain may now be wheat, but the basic recipe remains unchanged from those times, relying on wild yeast to rise.

    Packaged yeast was not introduced until 1878. The original focaccia, like other breads and cakes prior to then, relied on wild yeast in the air.

    Bakers would puncture the bread with a knife to stop air bubbles from forming on the surface, and “dotted” the bread with their fingers to create wells/dimples that reduce the air in the dough and prevent the bread from rising too quickly.

    To preserve moisture, olive oil was spread over the dough prior to rising and baking.

    The name focaccia is derived from the Latin panis focacius, which translates to fireplace bread or center/focus bread.

    Since the focus of the family home was the fireplace, and all bread was baked in the fireplace, it may have applied to other breads as well.

  • The Romans carried the recipe with them throughout their empire.
  • In medieval times, focaccia was used by the Roman Catholic Church during religious festivals, weddings and funerals [source].
  • Focaccia came to the U.S. in the 20th century with Italian immigrants.
  • Italian restaurants and bakeries introduced non-Italians to numerous foods, including breads and breadsticks‡.
    Other countries have adopted the delicious bread.

  • In the Burgundy region of France, focaccia is called foisse or fouaisse.
  • In other areas of France it is known as fougasse.
  • In Argentina, it’s fugazza.
  • In Spain it’s hogaza.
  • There are even name variations in Italy, such as fugassa in the region of Liguria.

    *Type 00 Flour—double zero in English and doppio zero in Italian—is made in Italy with the highest quality wheat, that is specially milled and sifted into an ultra-fine powderlike texture. It is the flour used for pizza crusts and is also used for bread, crostata, desserts, focaccia, and pasta. The flour grading system includes 2, 1, 0 and 00. The lower the number, the more finely ground the flour, and the more bran and germ that have been removed.

    †Turbinado is raw sugar that retains some light molasses flavor. Sugar In The Raw is a brand of turbinado sugar. Turbinado has slightly finer crystals and is less sticky than demerara sugar, although it is still coarser than conventional white granulated sugar. Muscovado, another raw sugar, has a very moist texture with a strong molasses flavor. See the different types of sugar in our Sugar & Syrup Glossary.

    ‡Historians believe that breadsticks were first created in 1643 in Piedmont, substantiated by the writing of an abbot who described a long-shaped and “bone-thin” bread being made in a town outside of Turin. Some credit a specific Torinese baker, Antonio Brunero.


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