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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Eat More Vegetables? Grill Them On Skewers!

If you have vegetable-resistant family members, here’s an easy way to make eating veggies fun: Put them on skewers.

Food on a stick is always a palate pleaser.

Get the 10″ skewers to add more veggies. Bamboo skewers are inexpensive—here are 100 thick ones for $7.55.

Soak them for at least 20 minutes in warm water, to make them less flammable.

You can even reuse bamboo skewers with simple washing, if they aren’t too charred. The thicker the stick, the less likely the charring.

A fun tip: soak the skewers in wine or juice to add an extra touch of flavor. It’s a good use for that forgotten half-bottle of wine in the back of the fridge.

To prod resistant vegetable eaters, add a dip on the side:

  • Dijon vinaigrette
  • Seasoned yogurt dip (curry, garlic, etc.)
  • Other favorite

    Go for a mix color and eye appeal.

    You can thread different veggies on a skewer, or make single-veggie skewers as in photo #1.

    That way, if someone truly won’t eat tomatoes or mushrooms, for example, they won’t be wasted.

    Consider these ingredients:

    Ingredients For Skewers

  • Baby beets
  • Button mushrooms*
  • Bell peppers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Optional fun: cantaloupe, peaches pineapple†
  • Red onion quarters or wedges, scallion tips‡, whole shallots
  • Zucchini and yellow squash
  • Seasoned olive oil for basting (salt, pepper, basil, oregano) with optional balsamic vinegar

    1. SOAK the skewers and lightly oil the grate. Preheat the grill to medium heat.

    2. THREAD the vegetables. Alternately thread zucchini slices, yellow squash slices, mushrooms, onion, tomatoes, pineapple, and bell pepper onto the skewers.

    3. WHISK the olive oil, balsamic and seasonings, and brush over the vegetables.

    4. GRILL the skewers until vegetables are tender, occasionally turning and basting with the olive oil, 10 to 15 minutes.

    *Mushrooms don’t add color, so whole small mushrooms have more eye appeal than pieces of larger mushrooms.

    †Bananas are delicious here, but they get softer, quicker.

    ‡Save the rest of the green shoots for omelets, salads, etc.


    [1] Serve vegetable skewers with grilled fish, steak or other protein (photo © Sun Basket).

    [2] Summer squash is a favorite for grilling (photo © Good Eggs).

    [3] Look for cherry tomatoes in mixed colors (photo © Love Food Art | Pexels).



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