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Peach Ice Cream Recipe For National Peach Ice Cream Day

[1] Churn your own: luscious homemade peach ice cream (photo © Dovile Ramoskaite | Unsplash).

[2] Graeter’s makes a limited-edition peach ice cream each summer. Grab it while you can (photo © Graeter’s).

[3] Even McConnell’s has discontinued its peach flavor (photo © McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams).

Peach Ice Cream
[4] No ice cream maker? Here’s a recipe for no-churn peach ice cream (photo © Bourbon And Honey).

[5] The riper the peaches, the better. When peaches seem to be overripe, they may be just right to puree for ice cream (photo © Good Eggs).

[6] Häagen-Dazs discontinued its peach ice cream (above), but now makes peach sorbetto (photo © Häagen-Dazs).


July 17th is National Peach Ice Cream Day. Our favorite childhood flavor (along with pistachio), peach ice cream got nudged out of the lineup before the end of the last century. It was replaced by flavors such as Cookie Dough and Oreo.

Even Talenti, which makes 51 flavors, ditched its Peachin favor of flavors like Banana Caramel Crunch, Chocolate Pretzel and Key Lime Pie.

McConnell’s likewise: 24 flavors include Cherry Cheesecake & Graham Cracker Crumble, Cinnamon & Oatmeal Raisin Cookies and Honey & Cornbread Cookies, but no more peach (take a last look at it in photo #3). Only Graeter’s, it seems, remains.

Why? Like anything else, trends. Younger customers have never had peach ice cream. And caramel, cookies, and crunch sound better to them than fruit.

Plus, fresh peaches are only available for four months at best (although frozen peaches work), so only smaller artisan producers tend to make it (look for Graeter’s—photo #2).

We made a batch with fresh peaches (the recipe is below); and it was so heavenly, we’ll be trying the frozen peaches when the summer is open.

A recent Newsweek article reported on the most popular ice cream flavors in the U.S., based on a YouGov survey of approximately 20,000 adults. The results were released in July 2020.

The most popular flavors are, in order:

  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla
  • Strawberry
  • Butter Pecan
  • Mint Chocolate Chip
  • Cookies & Cream
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
  • Rocky Road
  • Coffee
  • Pistachio
  • Chocolate Chip
  • Neapolitan
  • Birthday Cake/Cake Batter
    While we like any ice cream and have a particular fondness for five of those flavors, we’ll be making more peach ice cream next weekend. (Not so amazingly, yesterday’s quart is all gone.)

    This rich and creamy recipe delivers a “peaches and cream” flavor rather than pure peach intensity.

    It’s an extremely rich French custard recipe (or “French-style” ice cream), in the manner of Häagen-Daz, which includes eggs.

    The recipe can be used with any type of fruit, as long as you have 5 cups of purée. The proportions work for a 4-quart ice cream maker. You can cut it in half.

    When making ice cream, use very ripe fruit. Every time we see fresh peaches on sale because they’re so ripe that it’s their “last day,” we scoop them up and make ice cream.


  • To ripen your peaches or other fruit, place them in a brown paper bag and set them on the counter for a day or more. Check them daily: They can over-ripen quickly.
  • As with tomatoes, you can peel stone fruit easily by blanching it in a pot of boiling water for 60 seconds. Transfer into a pot of cold water. The skins will slip off easily.
  • You can make the custard in advance and chill it for faster processing.

  • 6 egg yolks, beaten
  • 3½ cups sugar
  • 10 ripe peaches, peeled and chopped plus 3 peaches peeled and diced for inclusions (see directions above for easy peeling)
  • 4 cups heavy cream
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 teaspoons real vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon salt

    1. PURÉE the peaches in a food processor or blender, keeping the 3 cubed peaches aside. You need 5 cups of purée.

    2. MIX together in a large bowl the eggs and sugar until smooth. Stir in the 5 cups of purée; blend well.

    3. ADD the cream, milk, vanilla, and salt; blend well. Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions (do not overfill your machine). Add the cubed peaches (the “inclusions”) according to the instructions for inclusions.

    4. PLACE the ice cream in the freezer to harden. But before you do, enjoy a dish as “soft serve.” The flavors are more delicious right out of the churn, rather than after the ice cream hardens.

  • This recipe from Chef David Venable adds peach nectar and sweetened condensed milk.
  • This recipe from the National Honey Board substitutes honey for white sugar.
  • No-Churn Ice Cream Recipes






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    How About A Hot Dog Lavash Wrap For National Hot Dog Month?

    July is National Hot Dog Month, 31 days to try something new.

    We’ve seen hot dogs wrapped in biscuit dough (photo #2), but why not a regular wrap?

    That’s what Atoria’s Bakery did with their whole grain lavash (lah-VASH), a flexble flatbread.

    Atoria’s makes lavash in Traditional, Garlic & Herb, Whole Grain & Flax, and new Roasted Red Pepper.

    We really liked the switch from the standard doughy white bread hot dog roll.

    Lavash is an Armenian flatbread made with wheat flour, water and salt.

    It can be topped with toasted sesame seeds, poppy seeds, garlic and other seasonings.

    When fresh, lavash is soft and thin like a tortilla (but with more flavor), and is used as a sandwich wrap for kebabs and other foods.

    It hardens (or can be baked) into a crunchy cracker consistency.

    Use fresh lavash for wraps, rollups, panini, flatbread pizza base.

    Of course, use it as a substitute for other breads with soup, salads, stews, etc.

    You can slice it in advance, or be casual and just tear off pieces.

    We’re big fans of Atoria’s Bakery (here’s our review).

    You can order their lavash, naan and pita online.

    Ingredients For 2 Dogs

  • 1 sheet Atoria’s lavash (photos #2 and #3), or substitute
  • 2 hot dogs or brats
  • Condiments: ketchup, mustard, onions, relish, etc.

    1. CUT the sheet a lavash in half, horizontally.

    2. GRILL the hot dogs according to package instructions.

    If you want, you can also lightly grill the lavash—but not so that it’s too hot to handle.

    3. WRAP the lavash around the dog; then add condiments as desired.



    Beef dogs, chicken dogs, pork blend, turkey dogs, vegan dogs:

    These recipes work with any type of dog (leaving off the bacon and cheese for the vegan dogs, of course).

  • Bacon Cheese Dogs
  • Bacon Hot Dogs
  • Baked Beans & Franks
  • Beer & Pretzel Hot Dog Rolls Recipe
  • Creative Toppings For Burgers, Brats & Franks
  • Cubano Dog
  • Firecracker Hot Dogs
  • Grilled Potato Salad & Hot Dogs
  • Hot Dog & Tater Tot Skewers
  • Hot Dog Lollipops
  • Hot Dog Party Bar
  • Hot Dog Sculpture
  • Hot Dog Turducken: A Sausage Stuffed With A Hot Dog
  • Italian Hot Dogs
  • Kobe Beef/Wagyu Hot Dogs
  • Mini Corn Dogs
  • Six Regional Hot Dog Recipes
  • Specialty Hot Dog Toppings #1
  • Specialty Hot Dog Toppings #2
  • Top 10 Hot Dog Toppings
  • “Worm” Sandwiches
  • Wrapped Hot Dogs

  • Homemade Hot Dog Rolls
  • How To Pack More Toppings Into The Roll
  • Pretzel & Beer Hot Dog Rolls
  • Uses For Leftover Hot Dog Rolls
  • Sourdough Hot Dog Rolls
  • 20 Other Uses For Hot Dog Rolls

    [1] Try a hot dog in a lavash wrap instead of a doughy white bread roll (all photos except #2 © Atoria’s Family Bakery).

    [2] Hot dog in a crescent roll wrap (photo © Bison Council).

    [3] Sheets of traditional lavash.

    [4] Look for the Atoria’s package.

    [5] Dips with all three of Atoria’s breads: lavash (at left), pita (at right) and naan (at top).

    [6] At dinner, lavash in the bread basket.



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    Brazilian Sangria Recipe & Other Cachaca Cocktails

    [1] Braziian Sangria, made with cachaça substituting for vodka or other spirit (photos #1, #2, #3 © Novo Fogo).

    [2] Silver (prata) cachaça is not aged; it “rests” in stainless steel vats before bottling. It is also called branca (white), clássica (classic) or tradicional (traditional).

    [3] Novo Fogo’s Chameleon cachaça is categorized as an amarela or yellow cachaça. It’s aged in wood, which causes the color to change from clear to yellow. Amarela cachaça can also be called ouro (gold) or envelhecida (aged) cachaça.

    [4] It’s easy to turn honey into honey syrup, a simple syrup. The recipe is at right (photo © National Honey Board).


    Mention cachaça and most savvy imbibers would respond: Caipirinha!

    Cachaça (cah-SHA-sah) is Brazil’s national spirit, and the Caipirinha (kai-puh-REEN-ya, photo #2) is one of the easiest cocktails to make. We’ve included the recipe below.

    There are numerous fine cachaca brands available in the U.S. One we’ve been enjoying is Novo Fogo (“new fire”), especially their versatile Chameleon Cachaça (photo #3).

    It’s aged for one year in repurposed American oak barrels, just long enough to gather nuances of flavor and aroma: a hazelnut nose and sweet-and-spicy herbs in the palate, finishing with some lively citrus.

    Novo Fogo also has an award-winning Two-Woods Series (aged in American oak plus Brazilian woods) and single barrel cachacas aged 2, 3 and 5 years. All are affordable gifts for the cachaça lover.

    Discover them and more at

    We thank them for these two cachaça recipes.

    This recipe uses honey syrup. The recipe is below.

    Ingredients Per Drink

  • 1.5 parts Novo Fogo Chameleon Cachaça (or substitute)
  • 1 part lemon juice
  • .5 part orange liqueur
  • .5 part honey syrup (recipe below)
  • 3 parts dry red wine
  • Ice
  • Garnishes: berries, seasonal fruits, mint leaves

    1. COMBINE all ingredients with ice. Garnish as desired.


    You can make a Caipirinha more special by using barrel-aged cachaça (analogous to a reposado tequila—photo #3).

    Over the years, numerous variations have appeared. For example, a Caipiroska substitutes vodka for the cachaça, a Caipirissima replaces the cachaça with rum.

    Then came the Lemon Caipirinha, the Strawberry Caipirinha, the Whisky Cipirinha, and so on.

    Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture did not want the national cocktail to be sullied with other ingredients, so in order to be called a Caipirinha, they published a decree in 2009. Legally, to be called a Caipirinha, the drink can only be made with cachaça, lime and sugar.

    They can only enforce the law in Brazil in commercial establishments; so if you feel the need to play with the recipe, go ahead.

    This recipe uses aged cachaça, for more layers of flavor.

    Ingredients Per Drink

  • 2 ounces Novo Fogo Chameleon Cachaça (or substitute)
  • Half a lime, sliced into wedges
  • 1 heaping tablespoon superfine sugar*
  • Ice

    1. MUDDLE the lime in a shaker until the juice is all squeezed out. Add the sugar and muddle to combine.

    2. ADD the cachaça and ice, shake, and strain into a glass with ice cubes. Enjoy!


    Honey syrup is simple syrup that is made with honey instead of table sugar. It’s the same 1:1 recipe as simple syrup.
    Ingredients For 1 Cup

  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup water

    1. COMBINE the honey and water in a saucepan. Heat over medium heat.

    2. STIR until the honey is dissolved, 1-2 minutes, taking care to keep the heat low. Do not simmer, and certainly don’t boil!

    3. COOL to room temperature before using. Refrigerate in a tightly-capped jar for 1 month or more.


    *Don’t have superfine sugar? Just pulse table sugar in a food processor or spice mill to superfine consistency.*

    †There is a difference between stored and aged cachaça. Stored cachaça is kept in wooden barrels for a non-specified period of time. Aged cachaça must contain more than 50% of cachaça that is at least one year old, and rested in barrels of up to 700 liters. The highest categories of aged cachaça are Premium, aged for a period not shorter than one year, and Extra Premium, aged for a period of than three years or longer. Both of these must contain 100% of cachaça aged in wood barrels.


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    Best Blue Cheese Dressing For National Blue Cheese Dressing Day

    On July 16, 2018, the city of Buffalo, New York celebrated the first National Blue Cheese Dressing Day, honoring a “special sauce” that’s combined with chicken wings, celery and hot sauce to create Buffalo Wings.

    If you’re a Buffalo Wings fan, also note that:

  • National Blue Cheese Day is October 18th.
  • National Hot Sauce Day is November 5th.
  • National Chicken Wing Day is On July 29th (there is currently no National Buffalo Wings Day).
    There’s a great blue cheese dressing recipe below.

    Blue cheese dressing had a distinguished life before the creation of Buffalo Wings in 1964.

    While no one can date blue cheese dressing, the history of blue cheese dates to the 7th century to a cave outside the village of Roquefort in France.

    Blue cheeses aren’t blue, of course—they’re dotted with veins that are dark blue, blue-green, green or bluish-black.

    The veins are Penicillium molds—cousins of the antibiotic. The molds are also relatives of the bloomy mold that covers Bries and Camemberts.

    Blue cheese was an accidental discovery.

    The documented history of blue cheese begins in the 7th century to a cave outside the village of Roquefort in France.

    The legend has is that a distracted young man forgot his lunch of bread and sheep’s milk cheese in the cave (to romantics reading this, the details are that the shepherd saw a beautiful girl).

    When he returned months later, the mold (Penicillium roqueforti) had transformed his cheese into what we now known as Roquefort.

    Whatever the legend, blue cheese is believed to have been discovered by accident because cheeses were stored at natural temperatures and in the moisture-controlled caves, which are favorable environments for many varieties of harmless mold.

    Not everyone could access a cave. But fortunately, blue mold is abundant in the air. It grows rapidly and in proper conditions, it out-competes most other molds in the air [source].

    Give it a humid, damp environment with plenty of oxygen—including barns and cellars, where cheese was often stored—and you have the ideal environment for blue mold to grow.

    Once cheesemakers realized what was happening, they made pinholes in the cheeses to help the mold penetrate more easily. The practice continues today.

    Of the three best-known blues, Gorgonzola is known to have been created around 879 C.E.

    Stilton is a relatively new addition, becoming popular sometime in the early 1700s. Subsequently, numerous varieties of blue cheese were created, and still are.

    In the 20th century alone, Cambozola and Danablu were created to fill the demand for Roquefort-style cheeses that were more affordable. The double cream blue in photo #7 debuted in 1969.

    Great American cheese makers like Point Reyes Farmstead and Rogue Creamery created their cheeses in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

    And cheese makers in the U.S. and Europe continue to work on blue cheese recipes to please blue cheese lovers and entice new ones.

    So…what about blue cheese dressing?

    No one knows when the first cook crumbled or mashed blue cheese into a dressing or sauce. Let’s just be grateful that the concept took off!

    Whether as a salad dressing, a sauce or dip, blue cheese dressing is a gift to food lovers. See more uses for blue cheese dressing below.

    One of our favorite blue cheeses is Original Blue from Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese in Marin County, California.

    Some 15 years ago, they created a blue cheese dressing with it, and it was magnificent.

    Alas, it proved impractical to produce over the long term, and it was discontinued. But thankfully, they made the recipe available.

    You can substitute a different blue cheese, but as with all cooking, the better the ingredients, the better the finished result.

    Even if you don’t use it in dressing, definitely enjoy Original Blue on your cheese plate.
    Ingredients For Approximately 2-1/2 Cups

  • 1 cup crumbled Point Reyes Original Blue (about 4 ounces)
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1 shallot, peeled
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated lemon zest
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • freshly ground black pepper

    1. PULSE the mayonnaise, blue cheese, buttermilk, shallot, lemon zest and salt in a food processor or blender to make a chunky dip and dressing.

    2. STIR in the parsley and season with plenty of pepper. Use immediately or refrigerate in a tightly sealed container for up to 3 days.

    You’ll love it.


    When you use blue cheese dressing, consider add some blue cheese crumbles.

  • Buffalo wings and buffalo chicken
  • Crostini and garlic bread
  • Dip for chicken fingers, chips, crudités, fries, pretzels, etc.
  • Mix-in to coleslaw, egg salad, potato salad and other salads bound with mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt
  • Pasta: add some dressing to a white sauce
  • Salad dressing (especially Cobb salad, wedge salad and shaved Brussels sprouts)
  • Sauce for baked potatoes, burgers, chicken, lamb, pork chops, steak, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower)
  • Sandwich and wrap spread (don’t forget lettuce wraps and cups—and a BLT or BLAT)
  • White pizza drizzle

    [1] Point Reyes blue cheese dressing. The recipe is below (photo © Point Reyes Farmstead).

    [2] Original Blue, the cheese used in the dressing recipe (photo © Good Eggs).

    [3] Cobb Salad with a side of blue cheese dressing (photo © eMeals).

    [4] Wedge Salad, another popular use for blue cheese dressing (photo © Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse).

    [5] Gorgonzola cheese (photo © Castello Cheese).

    [6] Roquefort cheese, the first blue cheese (photo © Castello Cheese).

    [7] Double cream blue cheese is a variation introduced in Denmark in 1969 (photo © Castello Cheese).

    We like it as an easy deviled egg alternative, using it to garnish halves of hard-boiled eggs.

    You’re sure to find your own favorite ways.


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    Frozen Cantaloupe Cocktail Recipe (Frozen Cocktails Are Fun!)

    [1] Frozen melon cocktail served in melon halves. The recipe is below (photo © Melissa’s Produce).

    [2] A Charentais melon is a more refined cantaloupe. While you can’t smell or taste it here, look at the smoothe skin (photo © Marius Kant | Wikipedia).

    [3] Charentais melons in a market in France (public domain image).

    [4] The recipe requires melon balls, but you can scoop and freeze any melon balls for a quick frozen snack, or to defrost for dessert (photo © American Diabetes Association).

    [5] There are many fine tequilas, some with interesting packaging like this bottle from Santo Blanco (photo © Santo Spirit).

    [6] You can add some sizzle to your cocktail with Tanteo tequilas in Chipoitle, Habanero and Jalapeño (photo © Tanteo Tequila).


    What’s better on a hot day than a a frozen cocktail (or a non-alcoholic slushie—just leave out the tequila).

    This recipe, below, comes to us from Melissa’s Produce, which used a Charentais melon, a relative of cantaloupe.

    You can substitute cantaloupe or any other melon.

    There are also more delicious frozen drink recipes below.

    This “gourmet” melon is a more elegant version of a cantaloupe—some call it a French cantaloupe.

    It has similar flesh, but was bred to be even sweeter, with a more intense and distinctive aroma of tropical fruit and flowers.

    The variety originated in the Poitou-Charentes* region of western France in the 1920s.

    It was developed as a refined cantaloupe with a smoother, more aesthetically appealing skin—minimally netted, as opposed to the complete netting on a cantaloupe skin.

    The size was smaller, too: a perfect “breakfast for two.”

    These melons were almost exclusively available in France, because their thin skin and soft flesh does not travel well.

    Thus, while they are prized, there is low production because they are too delicate for commercial shipping.

    To please melon lovers across the pond, small amounts were planted and hybrids were created by crossing the Charentais with North American cantaloupes. This created a larger size and a thicker skin for better shipping.

    There is limited production of Charentais melons in the U.S. today. But if you have space for gardening, you can buy seeds and grow your own.

    Or, a faster solution: get them from specialty produce purveyors like Melissa’s.

    (By the way, unlike another famous french melon, the Cavaillon, Charentais melons are not protected by an A.O.C. designation [appellation d’origine contrôlée], which limits by law the specific region(s) where a product can be grown/made [like Champagne and Roquefort cheese, e.g.]. Therefore, Charentais melons can legally be grown anywhere.)

    Charentais melons grow 6″ in diameter and weigh 3-4 pounds.

    Botanically, the Charentais melon is Cucurbitaceae Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis.

  • The Cucurbitaceae family includes the cucumber (Cucumis sativus), and muskmelons (Cucumis melo.
  • Cucumis melo, the same genus and species as the Charentais melon, is the same for cantaloupe and honeydew, among others. Thus, they’re half-siblings to the Charentais.
    The Charentais melon is especially prized in France for its rich, honeyed finish on the palate. The French serve them plain for breakfast, as an appetizer wrapped with Bayonne ham or proscuitto as an appetizer, and as melon balls drizzled with Port or other sweet wine for dessert.


    You can make this cocktail with any melon (and with cucumber, too). But if you want to serve it in a melon half, you’ll need to find a small cantaloupe.

    The frozen cocktail just as delicious in a Collins glass or a Margarita glass—and if you don’t want to scoop out the cantaloupe flesh when you’ve finished the drink, a glass is better.
    Ingredients For 2 Melon Halves

  • 3 cups Charentais melon balls, frozen (substitute cantaloupe or other melon)
  • 8 Fresh Raspberries frozen
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup blanco (silver) tequila
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 2 tablespoons triple sec
  • 2 tablespoons blue agave syrup
  • Optional: dash of hot sauce
  • Crushed ice
  • Garnish per drink: mint leaf, lime wedge

    1. PROCESS all of the ingredients in a blender, adding just enough of the ice to make a slushy drink.

    2. POUR into the melon halves. You may need to cut a flat spot on the bottom so that they don’t tip.

    3. GARNISH with mint and lime wedges.


  • Alcohol Slushies
  • Blueberry Frosé (Frozen Rosé Wine)
  • Bourbon Slush
  • Classic Frosé
  • Frozen Bourbon Milk Punch
  • Frozen Cherry Margarita
  • Frozen Lemonade
  • Frosecco: Frozen Prosecco Cocktail
  • Frosé Granita & Drinkable Frosé Sundae
  • Frozen Margarita
  • Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri
  • Frozen Strawberry Margarita
  • Red, White & Blue Cocktail

    *Poitou-Charentes, a region on the French Atlantic coast with Roman, Renaissance and medieval history, is now part of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Its best-known cities are La Rochelle, the region’s capital, which is on the coast; and Poitiers, inland. Other important cities are Angoulême, Châtellerault, Niort, Saintes, Rochefort and Royan.


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