TIP OF THE DAY: Ancient Grains Are New Again

September is National Whole Grains Month, an occasion to revisit some oldies but goodies. Thanks to King Arthur Baking (formerly King Arthur Flour) for this primer on eight* ancient grains. “Ancient grains” is a marketing term used to describe a category of grains and pseudocereals, that are purported to have been minimally changed by selective…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Uses For Savoy Cabbage

Savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda L.) is the prettiest member of the cabbage species (Brassica oleracea). It’s also known as choux de savoie (France), cavolo verza (Italian), and Milan cabbage and Lombardy cabbage (English). Savoy is a loose-headed cabbage with crepe-like, crinkled, frilly leaves and a sweet, earthy flavor. We enjoy it much more…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Easy Way To Cut & Peel Butternut & All Winter Squash

The one food prep task we fear is slicing and peeling butternut squash (and all the winter* squashes, but we eat butternut most often). It’s not the easiest thing to slice and peel, given the force needed to cut through the squash. Even with a firm cutting board and a super-sharp knife, we face with…
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RECIPE: Heirloom Tomato Tart For A First Course Or A Side

September is California Wine Month, and the Wine Institute of California has wine pairings to go with the last of the great summer produce—like this Heirloom Tomato Tart. This savory, colorful tomato tart in perfect for late summer, when tomatoes are at their flavor peak. Serve it in: Thin slices as an appetizer. Medium slices…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Peel Potatoes In Advance

Baby gold potatoes, ready to peel the day before (photo © Melissa’s Produce).   September is National Potato Month. We’ve got a tip for anyone who peels potatoes, to cut down on potato prep time. The solution is a time shuffle: Peel the potatoes the day before. Sound obvious? It is! We peel potatoes the…
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