TIP OF THE DAY: Lemon Cucumber Water

Make your own flavored waters as a treat for yourself and your guests. Photo by Kelly Cline IST. Who needs bottled water—serve your guests an elegant pitcher of lemon cucumber water, evoking centuries past. 1. In a two-quart pitcher, cut half a cucumber into 1/8″ slices. If it’s a waxed cucumber, use a carrot peeler…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Banana Hot Chocolate

Warm, comforting, and another way to enjoy gourmet chocolate. What could be better? Photo by Elton Lin. Purée a ripe banana and add it to hot chocolate. One banana is enough for two eight-ounce cups (it stretches further if you want just a little banana flavor). Add 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon and a grind of fresh…
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TIP OF THE DAY: More Flavorful Vinaigrette

Why buy bottled dressing when it’s so easy to make? Photo by Andi Pantz | IST. One way to cut calories is to give up heavy bottled dressings—especially creamy ones—and make your own. This recipe takes two minutes, has layers of flavor and can be made in the blender or with a whisk. Combine: –…
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Recipes For Elvis Presley’s Birthday

A combination of two Elvis Presley favorites: cheeseburgers and bacon. Yes, you can spread some peanut butter on the bun. Because he loved bananas, have some plantain chips on the side (photo © Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board).   Today would have been Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday. Elvis loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Have one…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Banana Split Breakfast

Replace the ice cream and whipped cream with cottage cheese and yogurt. Photo courtesy California Milk Advisory Board. For a healthy and festive breakfast, split a ripe banana, add two or three small scoops of cottage cheese and top with different flavors of yogurt and fresh fruits. Sprinkle with granola or cereal flakes and you…
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