FOOD HOLIDAY: Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day

Do you know what this is? Chances are, you’ve consumed it (and some people consume it a lot!). Photo by Bob Walker | Wikimedia.   Today is National Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day. Yes, some of these official food holidays are quirky. But each one offers a teaching moment. There are only six plants on…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Festive Food Presentation

Make your food look more beautiful this holiday season. Sometimes, exciting food isn’t about complex cooking skills, but in an artistic outlook. The difference between your presentation and that at a fine restaurant may simply be a colorful and imaginative garnish. This red snapper from Aureole in New York City uses two chef techniques: Plating…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Thanksgiving Fruit Plate

Who would have thought that fresh fruit could have such a Thanksgiving theme! We found this idea in in the Dole Pinterest stream and couldn’t resist making one ourselves. In fact, it’s a great project to keep the kids busy on Thanksgiving. Ingredients Per Fruit Turkey: 6-8 apple slices 9-10 orange segments Pear half For…
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GIFT: Umami Sauce & The History Of Worcestershire Sauce

Umami sauce, an asset in the kitchen and at the table. Photo courtesy Omni Hotels.   “Umami” was a trending word in America a few years ago, a Japanese word coined in 1908 to indicate a brothy or savory taste (umai = delicious, mi = taste). Lauded as “the fifth taste” after sweet, sour, bitter…
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