TIP OF THE DAY: Lemon Zest

If you’re zesting lemons, limes, oranges or other citrus for a recipe, buy organic fruit if you can. Conventional citrus crops are heavily sprayed with pesticides, and a simple rinse won’t dislodge all of it from the nooks and crannies of the rind. The zest is the outermost part of the rind of citrus fruits…
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RECIPES: Peanut Recipes

In the U.S., peanuts are the winner by a long shot when it comes to volume sold: They claim 67% of all nut consumption. The numbers aren’t broken out for whole peanuts vs. peanut butter, but we bet the PB has a large piece of the pie. Check out these peanut recipes: Savory Peanut Recipes…
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RECOMMENDATION: Healthy Food Cooking Classes For Kids

Yesterday we attended a “farm to table” buffet lunch and cooking demo by Toni Willard Young of Chef Toni’s Cooking Academy in New York City. It was targeted to kids, teaching healthy cooking: basic cooking skills plus kitchen safety and where food comes. If you have children, look for kids’ cooking classes in your area.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Salad Nuts Are Healthy & Crunchy

Switch nutrition-empty crouton crunchfor the healthy crunch of nuts. Photoby Jason M | SXC.   Instead of carb- and salt-laden croutons on your salad, try nuts as a healthy, crunchy substitute. The best “salad nuts”: almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts, the heart-healthy nuts approved by the FDA. These varieties contain…
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RECIPES: Watermelon Creations For Labor Day Weekend

Substitute watermelon for tomatoes in a Caprese salad. Photo courtesy Watermelon.org Enjoy the last official weekend of the summer by gathering Grilled Spicy Watermelon Watermelon, Black Bean & Corn Salsa Watermelon Caprese Salad Watermelon Salad With Thai Basil And Feta Pickled Watermelon Rind (watermelon pickles) Watermelon Granita Watermelon Cocktails   You can also learn the…
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