FOOD FUN: Camouflage Ice Cream

Left, First Class Camouflage sundae. Right, First Class Camouflage ice cream in a special First Class Camouflage cone. Photo courtesy Baskin-Robbins.   Baskin-Robbins is celebrating Veterans Day all month long, honoring military veterans new November Flavor of the Month, called First Class Camouflage. First Class Camouflage, emulating camouflage in its colors and design, is a…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Bread Salad With Butternut Squash

Bread salad with butternut squash. Photo courtesy   Bread salad is often thought of as a summer dish, marrying lush tomatoes in season with day-old bread, vinaigrette and other seasonings. But you can turn it into a fall favorite by substituting the tomatoes, now out of season, with butternut squash (or other winter squash),…
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RECIPE: Maple Cheesecake

While maple is a year-round flavor, we always enjoy it in the fall, as the leaves turn. We use it in a cup of coffee or tea instead of table sugar, we add a bit to mashed sweet potatoes, we drizzle it over baked squash and vanilla ice cream. And then, there’s cheesecake. This recipe,…
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HOLIDAY: National Chocolate Day

Harvest Truffles. Photo courtesy Recchiuti Confections.   It’s National Chocolate Day, an excuse for anyone to run to the newsstand to pick up a Hershey Bar or some M&Ms. But the chocolate connoisseur deserves something better, and we’ve found it in these delicious Harvest Truffles from Recchiuti Confections of San Francisco, which we received as…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Pumpkin Custard With Maple Pecan Crunch

As an alternative to pumpkin pie—or perhaps in addition to it—how about some pumpkin custard? It’s eggier and richer than conventional pumpkin pie filling, and because there’s no crust, it’s gluten free. This lovely recipe, from Nielsen Massey, is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. If you don’t have ramekins or custard cups, use 6-ounce teacups. How…
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