VALENTINE’S DAY: Magnum Ruby Ice Cream Bars (Real Pink Chocolate!)

[1] Magnum’s Ruby Mini Ice Cream Bar (photo © Magnum Ice Cream).   A few months ago we wrote about ruby chocolate, the fourth type of chocolate after dark, milk and white. Ruby is the first new chocolate in 80 years. The pink-colored chocolate gets its hue naturally, from a particular type of cacao bean.…
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VALENTINE GIFT: A Peppercorn Plant (Piper Nigrum)

Many people grow herbs at home. How about peppercorns? If your Valentine has a green thumb, a peppercorn plant is a different kind of gift. You can grow one as a houseplant (photo #1); or if you live in a semi-tropical climate, you can grow it outdoors (here’s what you need to know to grow…
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RECIPE: Holiday Meringue Drops

Austin, Texas has become a hot city to visit and move to, abetted by its ever-expanding food scene. One place of interest is Fluff Meringues & More is a modern patisserie that proffers European treats in a market full of cupcakes and Southern pecan pie. A meringue cookie is the opposite of these latter favorites.…
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GIFT: Lady M Mille Crepe Cake

Our favorite cake is probably the Mille Crêpe Cake from Lady M Confections, a cake boutique with six locations in Manhattan and more around the country. We say probably, because if you put us in front of a cake buffet, the first thing we’d eat would be the Mille Crêpe Cake. The name translates to…
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GIFT: Sitka Salmon Shares, Fresh-Caught In Alaska

[1] Freshly caught and skinned wild salmon (all photos © Sitka Salmon Shares). [2] Line-caught salmon. [3] After they’re caught, the fish are quickly processed. [4] They’re blast-frozen, and shipped by FedEx to your doorstep. [5] The fish arrive ready to season and cook.   Several months ago we wrote about a wonderful service for…
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