TIP OF THE DAY: Iced Tea Ice Cubes

Iced green tea with green tea ice cubes. Photo by Tomo Jesenicnikc | IST.   It’s National Iced Tea Month, so we‘re repeating one of our favorite tips for iced tea lovers: Make your ice cubes from the same tea. This way, you can keep your iced tea ice-cold without diluting it. It’s a more…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Donut Day & A Cronut Recipe

June 7th is National Donut Day. The holiday was created in 1938 by the Salvation Army, to honor the women who served donuts to servicemen in World War I (at that time, it was called the Great War). From its first appearance in 17th-century English, the word evolved from dough-nut to doughnut to donut (see…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Smorgasbord Buffet For A Midsummer Feast

In Sweden, Midsummer marks the start of summer holidays. Midsummer Eve is always the Friday in the middle of the month. People head to the country to be close to nature, enjoy a delicious smorgasbord with beer and aquavit (no wine!), and be with family and friends. If you’ve seen Ingmar Bergman’s Smiles of a…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Gourmet Condiments With These Recipes

Today’s tip comes from McCormick, and it illustrates how easy it is to make gourmet condiments in your kitchen. Just open the bottle of mayonnaise, mustard or ketchup and add herbs and spices. Use the recipes below on burgers, grilled chicken, hot dogs and brats, sandwiches/wraps and anything requiring some condiment verve. Just combine the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: 5 More Uses For Rice

We overdid it recently, purchasing a jumbo bag of white rice that we’re not likely to make a dent in anytime soon (we try to eat whole grains like brown rice, which we especially enjoy in rice salads). So we searched for other ways to use the rice, and found five more ways to employ…
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