RECIPE: Sweet Pea Deviled Eggs

For all the deviled egg fans out there: Here‘s a springtime recipe for Sweet Pea Deviled Eggs from Del Monte. You can use cooked fresh spring peas in season (now!), or can use canned peas year-round. This recipe also works for St. Patrick’s Day and other green-theme occasions. Substituting peas and avocado for half of…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Recipes For Leftover Pasta

We made one box too many of pasta last night, thinking our guests would eat as much as we did. Now, what to do with all that leftover pasta? If it hasn’t been sauced, there’s got lots of flexibility. Whether you have long form pasta (fettuccini, spaghetti, etc.) or short forms (elbows, penne, rigatoni, etc.),…
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EARTH MONTH: Choosing Sustainable Sushi

It’s Earth Month, leading up to Earth Day on April 22nd. We try to live a sustainable life, and sushi is our favorite food. So we took note when these tips arrived from Genji Sushi’s corporate chef, Takao Iinuma: To determine the most sustainable sushi choices, Chef Iinuma advises, it helps to remember four “S”…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Tofu Scramble Recipe Instead Of Scrambled Eggs

Recently at the breakfast bar at our Whole Foods Market, we had a delicious tofu scramble that was just as satisfying as scrambled eggs—but so much more healthful. So in the name of reduced cholesterol and sustainability of the planet,* we’ve switched. Try it, you’ll like it! Tofu is made in different firmnesses that suit…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Fresh Cheese In Your Soup

Cheese and soup are no strangers, from a grated Parmesan garnish on minestrone to a layer of Gruyère in French onion soup. But soft cheeses have their place as well. Today‘s tip is to consider how to use them in your favorite soups…and beyond. Fresh cheeses also have a place in salads and other everyday…
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