TIP OF THE DAY: Easy Cheeses & Yogurts

Thick water buffalo yogurt from The Woodstock Water Buffalo Company is richer and sweeter than yogurt from cow, sheep or goat milk. Photo by Katrina Brown | IST. If you’re lactose-intolerant, or have guests who are, it’s generally due to the larger protein molecules in cow’s milk. Goat’s milk and sheep’s milk have smaller, more…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Watch Your Wine Timelines

If you have an unopened bottle of spirits, it can last for years. But except for collector wines that need bottle age, most wines are meant to be drunk within a year: otherwise, they deteriorate. If you’re not sure about a wine you own, ask at your local wine store. You don’t need a special…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Healthy Snacks

We’re Fig-Sated on this healthy dried fruit and nut snack: apricots, dates, figs, almond and pistachios. Photo by Naheed Choudhry. It’s easy to keep healthy, tasty foods at work to snack on. The temptation to grab for fat- and sugar-loaded foods can be offset with a little planning. Pack a drawer with palate-pleasers like delicious…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Check & Toss

Use ‘em up—don’t let those oils grow old and over-the-hill. Photo of Lucero California Olive Oil by Evan Dempsey | THE NIBBLE. Don’t wait for spring cleaning: each January, go through cupboards for expired or about-to-expire foods. Also check your salad and cooking oils: They go rancid. If they don’t pass the sniff test, toss…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Conserving Cheese Calories

Cheese is delicious, cheese is addictive. Cheese is also fattening. One way to stretch those cheese calories is to serve cheese cubes on skewers instead of a slice-all-you-want cheese board. Alternate the cheese cubes with grape tomatoes, broccoli florets, bell pepper strips and other favorite crudités. Or go the fruit route with berries, kiwi and…
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